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Vtiger Activity Reminder

Activity Reminder is a handy extension to remember important activities and tasks. Vtiger is a CRM providing advance functionalities to improve users working experience and automate the complex and repetitive tasks.

It is a handy extension to remember important activities and tasks. Vtiger is a CRM providing advance functionalities to improve users working experience and automate the complex and repetitive tasks. Keeping track of the due activities can be a hectic task for business administrators. VTDEV has solved this issue for you. With our latest and powerful extension. It shows a calender popup for the upcoming activities and tasks that are due for the current day.

The extension is configured with your Vtiger CRM and keeps track of your activities and upcoming events. It displays all the details of the tasks such as subject, description, related to which module and the due date to complete the tasks.The software is a powerful team management tool helping businesses to enhance the workflow and streamline complex tasks. It also has a button to snooze the activity.

Some key features of our Exclusive extension are given below:

  • Easy to use interface.
  • Customizable layout of the popup.
  • Works with all standard and custom modules.
  • Shows a popup automatically when the task is due.
  • Compatible with the module manager.
  • Available at Vtiger Marketplace.

Activity Reminder

1. Understand its Purpose

To start, grasp why the Activity Reminder Extension is indispensable for effective Vtiger CRM usage. This tool enhances your organization’s productivity by keeping activities on track.

2. Installation and Activation

Begin by installing the Activity Reminder Extension within Vtiger CRM. 

3. Accessing the Feature

Accessing the Activity Reminder feature is simple. Navigate through Vtiger CRM’s user interface to find the feature via specific menu options and buttons.

4. Configuring Activity Reminders

Give a percentage of your time to setting up reminders for critical activities. Whether it’s meetings, calls, or tasks, this feature ensures you never miss an important event.

5. Tailoring Reminder Preferences

Customize reminder settings to match your workflow. Adjust notification frequencies, reminder methods, and priority settings according to your unique needs.

6. Effective Reminder Management

Manage existing reminders. Learn how to view, edit, or delete reminders efficiently within the extension.

7. Seamless Calendar and Email Integration

Discover how this extension seamlessly integrates with your calendar and email. This integration streamlines activity management and keeps you informed through these familiar tools.


Do you struggle in keeping a track of your Activities? Are you unable to remember the due tasks? The Activity Reminder extension is for you. Contact VTDEV Today and get the best packages to configure the activity reminder extension with your Vtiger CRM.

For More Information Contact us