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Vtiger Upgrade and Migration

Vtiger is the fastest growing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software tool, like every other software Vtiger also launches new and advanced versions, each version offers the latest functionalities which were not there in the older versions. For better workflow and to enjoy the latest features Upgrading your software to the latest version is extremely essential.

vtiger upgrade and migration

Things we offer in Our Vtiger Upgradation and Migration Service

VTDEV has got you covered. We are a team of professional developers helping you upgrade your CRM to the latest version or Migrate your files from one system to the other. Our Vtiger Upgrade and Migration Services include:

  1. Vtiger Upgrade 5.4
  2. Upgrade Vtiger from 5.2 to 6
  3. Upgrading Vtiger from 5.2 to 7
  4. Upgrade Vtiger from 6.4 to 6.5
  5. Vtiger Upgrade from 6.0 to 6.1
  6. Upgrading Vtiger from 6.2 to 6.5
  7. Upgrade files from Vtiger 6 to 6.1
  8. Vtiger files upgrade from 6.5 to 7
  9. VtIger Migration 7
  10. Vtiger Wiki salesforce Migration
  11. Vtiger migration 6.5 to 7 

How Vtiger upgradation improves your workflow and streamline processes.

Vtiger CRM is a powerful CRM software enabling businesses to automate complex processes and streamline sales, marketing and customer relations. Vtiger has developed a wide range of  versions and with every upgrade new and advanced features are also introduced. To improve your CRM functionality you need to upgrade Vtiger to the latest version on regular basis.




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Vtiger CRM Upgrade and Migration: Ensuring a Smooth Transition

vtiger upgrade

When upgrading software or migrating files within your Vtiger CRM proper planning and training is extremely beneficial. VtigerDEV is a team of trained staff specialized in upgrading or migrating your CRM.

Before the process, it is important to make sure that your data is backed up so that in case of any problem you don’t lose your data. We make sure to back up your data safely 

While performing migration you may encounter several problems including :

Vtiger Migration White screen

Vtiger Migrate  Incomplete

Migrating Vtiger Blank screen

Vtiger migration 6.1 to 6.2 hangs.

Why choose us for your Vtiger Upgrade and Migration Tasks?

To save you from such situations VTDEV offers the service of Upgradation and Migration of your CRM software at affordable and flexible prices. By working with us you can be confident that your system is in safe hands providing you with expert Upgrade and Migration Services. Feel free to contact us today and avail the best package.

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