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Choose the Perfect Pricing Plan

Do you want to customize your CRM software and looking for a perfect pricing plan? Get the most reliable Vtiger services by VTDEV at affordable packages.

pricing plan vtiger

Improve Your Experience with our exclusive Pricing Plan

Per Hour Support | Pricing

USD$ 25 / Per Hour
  • Custom Development
  • Training session included
  • Chat support
  • Meeting and discussions with PM
  • Bug Fixing
  • Dedicated support
  • Priority Support
  • Response Time 8 - 12 hours
  • And much more

Custom Quote | Pricing

Custom . Quote
  • Any type of customization
  • Extension Of Your Own choice
  • Migration from any version
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • Meeting and discussions with the PM
  • Custom Dev Hours
  • 1 off project Basis
  • Moneyback Garantuee service provided

Per Incident Support | Pricing

USD$ 125 / per incident support
  • Response time of 12-24 hours
  • Maximum Delivery time: 2 Days
  • Meetings and Discussion with PM
  • Dedicated Project Manager.
  • Any type of bug fixing
  • Meeting with support and Project Manager
  • Chat support

Our Extension Pack

Extension pack is a set of our best-selling and most effective Vtiger extensions. Our extension pack is crafted considering your needs and necessities. Apart from being highly customizable, this extension pack is cost-effective with a pricing package of 30$. So, if you are a business owner working on Vtiger CRM for your business management get our cutting-edge vtiger extension pack with top-class vtiger extensions and plugins.

Order yours Now!

What makes us special

Our Pricing plan

Super Performance

Accelerate your business growth with supercharged performance of Vtiger CRM - the ultimate solution for your business needs!

100% Response Time

Experience 100% responsiveness with Vtiger CRM - streamline your business operations today!.

Customer Support

We are here for your queries 24/7

For More Information contact us

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