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Creating and managing campaigns in Vtiger

The importance of campaign Management in Businesses

Campaign is a marketing strategy used globally to reach your target audience and spread your message. Every type of business run campaigns to promote their businesses and market product and services. In the modern world, businesses run email and sms campaigns along with whatsapp and other types of social campaigns to reach their target audience.

In business after creating a campaign, it is extremely important to manage and track it. Without proper management your marketing campaign can be useless for your brand and will not bear any fruit. This is why, businesses get proper management tools to track their marketing campaigns, and make real-time informed decisions to improve the campaigns. Monitoring the growth and progress also helps for future campaigns. Vtiger has a range of handy features that you can utilize to manage your campaigns and track the deals. Moreover, automating repetitive tasks also optimizes the processes and increase the performance.


Vtiger is a business management tool, creating and managing campaigns in Vtiger is a smart move by businesses for a company’s growth.

Businesses create and conduct marketing campaigns for the company’s growth and prosperity. A campaign is a series of actions and activities conducted to achieve a certain result. Businesses may carry out huge marketing campaigns to market their product to the mass market, launch a new product, increase brand awareness and generate sales, etc. 

Vtiger is a leading Customer Relationship management software. Its features and functionalities are worth a try. Most businesses have shifted their important business-related tasks to Vtiger CRM, Campaigns are a significant aspect of a company’s marketing strategy. These companies create large campaigns. Creating and managing a campaign properly is a key factor in generating more leads through the campaign. 

Ways of Creating and managing campaigns in Vtiger

Vtiger CRM helps you create and record all the necessary details of the marketing campaign. It allows you to sync the campaign with related contact for better management. You can create a campaign with the following two methods:

  • The campaign modules
  • Quick create


Let me explain you how you can create a campaign through the campaign module.

Step 1:

From the main menu, go to the marketing module and click campaign.

vtiger creating and managing campaigns step 1

Step 2:

To create a new campaign click on add campaign button on top-right of your screen.vtiger creating and managing campaigns step 2

Step 3:

Now add the required information regarding the campaign in specific fieldsvtiger creating and managing campaigns step 3

Step 4:

Once you have added the details click save to save your campaign.

vtiger creating and managing campaigns step 4

Once you have successfully created a marketing campaign in your Vtiger CRM you can easily manage it to maximize your efforts and generate huge numbers of leads. This ultimately helps in increasing the revenue and taking your business to the next level.

Getting Vtiger Services BY VTDEV:

Once you have subscribed to a suitable Vtiger subscription plan, the next step is to configure and customize the powerful software and tailor it as per your unique requirements. For that, you may hire expert Vtiger develops or Vtiger service agencies who can assist you in tailoring Vtiger CRM for your business.

VTDEV is a leading vtiger services providing agency empowering millions of businesses in making Vtiger a perfect place for their everyday operations. If you also want to get our advanced Vtiger services including vtiger extensions, vtiger integrations and other customizations feel free to consult us at support@vtdevsolutions.com