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Creating and managing sales opportunities in vtiger crm

Vtiger for Sales and opportunity management

A deal never ands directly into your lap. In goes through several different steps before becoming a lead. It is recommended to be extra vigiland and carefully follow up on your oppututinites to turn into a lead for your organization. But, can you do so, without a powerful management solution? Well, that may not be possible. This is why business owners opt for advanced software solutions not just to handle their leads but also track the opportunities and take necessary steps.

Vtiger being an all-in-one business management tool, offers features and tools to track and manage your sales. Over the past years the Vtiger company focused on improving the software and make it better for every organization with its high-powered functionalities. Vtiger is perfect for managing the sales and tracking opportunities.


Vtiger is a useful sales management tool. By creating and managing sales opportunities in Vtiger you can manage and maintain the sales funnel efficiently. From small businesses to medium businesses every business goes through a number of steps before closing a deal. Companies generate leads, study the aspects, have meetings with the prospect, and then after a couple of steps the two teams come to one point and sign a deal. The whole process starting from catching a lead to closing a deal is known as a sales opportunity.

Opportunity management is the process of managing the sales pipeline. After a lead is captured it goes through a number of steps. Each step brings the lead close to signing the final contract. Managing sales opportunities is a very crucial step for businesses. Creating and managing a new sales opportunity in Vtiger CRM needs proper training and careful measurements.

Steps of Creating and managing sales opportunities in vtiger crm

To create a new opportunity in Vtiger, follow the following basic steps

Step 1:

Go to the main menu. Click on sales and select opportunitiesCreating-opportunities-step 1

Step 2:

In order to add a new opportunity click on add opportunity button on the upper-right corner of your screen.

Creating-opportunities-step 2

Step 3:

Now, enter all the required opportunity details and description details.Creating-opportunities-step 3

Step 4:

After entering the details, press save.Creating-opportunities-step 4

Step 5:

Vtiger also allows you to import a new opportunity. To import an opportunity click on import button on the upper-right corner of opportunities screenCreating-opportunities-step 5

Step 6:

Now, follow the steps that are mentioned on the screen,

  • Upload CSV file
  • Duplicate handling
  • Field mappingCreating-opportunities-step 6 

Step 7:

After entering the information click save to save the opportunity.

Benefits of managing Sales opportunities through Vtiger CRM

In today’s world, software has made our lives much easier by automating most of our important everyday tasks. Using CRM software for managing and creating a sales opportunity pipeline is a smart move by most businesses. Managing sales pipeline through Vtiger CRM benefits businesses through:

  • Tracking the deal from lead generation through the sales pipeline.
  • Understanding prospects’ unique needs and requirements.
  • Check the probability that the lead will convert to a deal.
  • Create effective proposals through emails and close deals.
  • Monitor the progress made in each step.
  • Generate modern reports, graphs, and charts for complete analysis.

Vtiger is the fastest-growing Customer Relationship management software enabling businesses to manage sales, marketing, and customer relations effectively and professionally. With new and advanced features and functionality it is the best CRM for your business customized as per your business needs.

Steps to follow for managing sales opportunities

You can track all sale processes in real time and make the right decisions for your company’s success. A sales opportunity is a powerful feature within Vtiger CRM which make the sale tasks convenient and efficient for businesses by following some basic steps:

  1. Convert leads to opportunities.
  2.  Manage sales.
  3. Communicate with your customers 
  4. Conduct a complete analysis of the deal. 
  5. Send your customers’ sale proposals through email.
  6. Sign the final contract.

Creating opportunities and managing them through Vtiger is the best practice for most businesses. In business management sales is a very important aspect. Managing sales properly, conducting analysis, generating leads, communicating with customers at every stage, closing deals, and making the right decision at every step is the way to a company’s success. Your sales team may neglect the key principles of a sales process. It is best to automate your sales tasks through Vtiger CRM and reduce the chances of error and save your valuable time. 

Choosing VTDEV for creating and managing sales opportunities 

Unable to create and manage sales opportunities? Want to automate the sale tasks? Want to move to Vtiger CRM for sale management. VTDEV has got you covered. We provide one-to-one training session on creation and management of sales opportunities. Our staff at VTDEV consist of expert Vtiger developers. Helping businesses achieve their goals. Contact Us now and get your hands on our top-notch training service.