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Vtiger Custom Reports and Dashboard

Want to create detailed reports and customize dashboards? Get your hands on our Vtiger Custom Reports and Dashboard Extension Now!.

Custom Reports And Dashboards Overview:

Vtiger CRM is the fastest growing CRM as it offers a wide range of features and tools to manage data and maintain customer relations more efficiently. One of these helping tool is to create Custom Reports and Dashboard to manage an present data in a systematic way.

Keeping track  of your company’s performance and processes is extremely important to increase growth and productivity faster. Reports present a detailed analysis of your business processes and operations. These reports can be customized according to each business’ needs. You can add custom fields, customize the layout, create charts and graphs etc to track the insights of your business.

Vtiger allows users to create following times of reports:

  • Detailed report
  • Chart report
  • Pivot reports
  • Or a combination of these

Dashboards, on the other hand, is a feature within your Vtiger CRM to display reports and data in graphs and charts. You can easily access the data within dashboard. All the data related to your business is displayed in reports.

There are several advantages of using custom report and dashboard extensions in Vtiger CRM. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Tailored to your business needs
  • Improved decision-making
  • Time savings:
Custom reports and Dashboards Documentation.

If you have configured our Customer reports and dashboard extension with your CRM and want to utilise it to create detailed reports on your projects and make informed decisions read our step-by-step guide.

Step 1:

Once you log in to your Vtiger account. You can access the reports by clicking on the reports icon in the top right corner of your screen.

vtiger custom reports and dashboards

Step 2:

Here you can see a list of all your reports. To create a new report click on the “Add Report” button on the top right. Then click on the “Detail Report” button

Vtiger custom reports and dashboards extension

Step 3:

A form will be displayed on your screen. On the first form fill in the report details including report name, Report folder, primary module, and description. Select the related modules and choose the members with whom you want to share your report in the share report field.

Step 4:

In this step, select the columns that will be displayed in the report.

You can set the sorting order and group by by choosing the suitable options.

Step 5:

In the calculations section select the calculation that you need to perform on the reports.

After filling the form click “Next” to proceed.

Step 6:

This is the last step of custom report creation. In this step you can add conditions on your report.

After setting conditions click “Save and Generate Report” to save the changes.

That’s it for the custom reports extension. 

VTDEV is providing the service of Customized Reports and Dashboard to its potential Customers. We are dedicated to our customers, with our expert team at VTDEV we assure you advanced Services to take your business to new levels. Don’t hesitate and Contact US Today to book your package.

Ready to Transform Your CRM