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Customer FeedBack Extension

Empower your business with our Customer Feedback Extension for VTDev, facilitating seamless communication and invaluable insights from your clientele.

Customer Feedbacks Extension’

are an extremely important aspect of a business. Feedbacks help businesses improve their product quality, customer relations, sales, etc by knowing customers’ needs and priorities, requirements, and opinions. 

A “customer feedback extension” is a software add-on or plugin designed to help businesses manage and collect customer feedback more effectively. The extension can be integrated with the company’s Vtiger CRM, allowing businesses to automate the feedback collection process, monitor feedback on multiple channels, analyze feedback data, and collaborate with team members to take necessary action. This extension creates user user-friendly feedback forms, creates automatic feedback surveys, analyzes feedback data, and creates a detailed report.


The Customer Feedback extension in Vtiger CRM includes the following features:

  • Customized feedback form.
  • Keeps the Vtiger core files safe.
  • Improves data entry and efficiency.
  • Saves a lot of time by automating feedback collection.
  • Available at Vtiger marketplace

Our documentation will be here soon !


Need assistance or have any questions? Feel free to reach out to us at VTDev! Our dedicated team is here to help you with any inquiries you may have regarding our services, projects, or collaborations. Whether you’re a potential client, a developer looking to join our team, or simply curious about what we do, we’re eager to hear from you. Get in touch via email at support@vtdevsolutions.com, give us a call at +1 209 4374542, or connect with us through our social media channels. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to bring your ideas to life.

So are you ready to transform your CRM?


custom listview layout extension