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Vtiger Customer portal

Manage your customer relations and interactions efficiently with Vtiger Customer Portal Extension

vtiger customer portal extension

Customers are the most integral and important part of any business. It is crucial to understand your customer’s concerns and take necessary actions to enhance customer support and service. Further, providing reliable customer service to your valuable clients is also important. 

Since the beginning, vtiger CRM was used as a customer relationship management tool, later people realized that it could be used for other benefits. But overall, Vtiger has the best features for managing customer tickets and ensuring top-notch customer service. 

Although, vtiger in its simplistic form is beneficial for customer management. Customizing it further can boost the workflow and performance of the tool. Thus, a customer portal extension is developed by VTDEV to improve the default customer portal. It has advanced technologies and features to handle client’s queries and reviews.

Customer satisfaction should be the priority for any business. Customers are the most integral part of an organization’s success.  Vtiger is a leading customer relationship management software tool that helps businesses manage their customer relations and interactions professionally.

The customer Portal extension for Vtiger is a very useful extension for businesses that interact with their customers frequently.

Features of Vtiger Customer Portal extension:
  1. Keeping track of customer complaints:

With the customer portal, you can easily keep a check on your customer’s complaints and queries and solve their issues immediately.

  1. Create invoices:

The customer portal extension allows you to generate invoices.

  1. FAQ section

The extension has a built-in FAQ section for your customers to get answers of some frequently asked questions

If you have installed this powerful plug-in and want to configure it Read the step-by-step guide below.

Step 1:

To access the Vtiger Customer portal extension click on the Main menu. Select settings and click on CRM settings.

Step 2:

Under the other settings drop-down menu. Select Customer Portal.

Step 3:

In the Default Assignee field choose an employee. The portal URL is the link to your customer portal.

Step 4:

Now, configure the portal as per your business’s strategies and requirements. Following are some things that you can customize in the portal.

  • Portal Menu: This is where you can set up the modules that will be displayed in the main menu of the portal. To add the modules simply enable the checkboxes.
  • Portal fields and Privileges: This is the second section of the customer portal. Configure the field information in this section. You can choose if the fields should be read only, or read and write.

Here you can make the fields mandatory by turning on the radio button.

  • Record Visibility: This is to choose the visibility of tickets from different modules.
  • Related information: Enable the checkboxes to display related information regarding the records.
  • Record permissions: To create or edit the record, enable the related checkboxes.
  • Sort list by: This field is to select the sorting order of the records list.
  • Count by: This field is used to configure the counter on the customer portal.
  • Rating star: You can also allow the users to rate records by enabling the checkbox.

In addition, are Vtiger Customer portal extension also offers other useful features. To know more about the extension you can consult us directly at the given email address. 

Step 5:

After configuring the customer portal. Click Save to save the changes.

That’s it. The configuration panel for our customer portal extension is extremely user-friendly. Making it convenient for the admins to customize the portal.

For detailed information, you can also watch our youtube video tutorial on customer portal configuration.

Unlike other software, vtiger CRM is an intuitive and highly customizable CRM solution. It enables you to configure and tailor it according to your business. Adding the Vtiger CRM customer portal extension with your CRM instance can help you handle the customer queries and feedback effectively.

If you want to add this extension to your Vtiger. Feel free to contact VTDEV and avail the best packages.

For More Information contact us