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Drag and Drop Documents

Drag and Drop Documents is used to describe a process where a user can select one or more files on their computer, and then drag them over to a designated area within an application or website to upload them.


Vtiger Extension:

Vtiger Extensions are powerful tools to enhance its functionality, streamline your business processes, and automate repetitive tasks. 

Drag and Drop Document Extension is an extension that makes it easier for users to move files and documents from one place to another. Uploading files by navigating takes a lot of time and effort. With our Drag And Drop Documents Extension you can easily upload files anywhere on the screen. This extension is a useful way of managing files effectively and seamlessly. 

The features of Vtiger Drag and Drop Document extension:

The features of a drag-and-drop document extension in Vtiger CRM can include:

  • Drag and drop multiple files at once.
  • Files will be created as documents automatically
  • This extension can be used in standard and custom-made modules.

If you have configured our Drag and drop documents extension and want to use it to speed up your processes. Read the tutorial below.

Step 1:

After successfully installing the extension. Access it from the settings. In the other settings dropdown select Drag and Drop Documents.

Step 2:

 Now enable the checkbox to activate the extension.

Step 3:

 To upload any document go to the specific record where you want that document.

Step 4:

Now, open the folder where the document is saved on your PC.

Drag the document and drop it on Vtiger’s interface.

Step 5:

You will get a notification of the document upload.

Step 6:

 The document is uploaded. You can find the document in the documents tab.

That’s it. In this way, you can speed up document uploading tasks. 

Configuring a drag-and-drop extension in Vtiger CRM requires careful attention to detail and testing to ensure that it works correctly. If you are looking for someone to add this extension to your Vtiger to streamline your work processes, you are at the right place. VtigerDev is a team of professional developers working hard to take your business to the next levels. Contact Us now for more details.

So are you ready to transform your CRM !!