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Vtiger Email Marketing

Vtiger Email Marketing is a powerful marketing strategy adopted by almost all kinds of businesses. From small to large every business needs to market their products to mass market.

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Vtiger is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer support activities. Vtiger also offers an email marketing extension that allows businesses to create and send email campaigns to their customers and clients.

The features of Email Marketing Extension

Email marketing increases business sales through email campaigns these campaigns make the customer aware of the latest activities. Email marketing extension for Vtiger possesses the following features:

  1. Customized email campaign:
  2. Cost-effective:
  3. Time-saving
  4. Reach to a greater number of audience
  5. Automation

In  Conclusion, email marketing extensions offer businesses a powerful and cost-effective way to engage with their customers and improve their marketing efforts.

Now that you have successfully configured our exclusively developed Email Marketing Extension. It’s time to learn how you can use it to streamline your campaigns and upgrade your business management.

Following are some easy steps that you can perform to use this powerful extension:

Step 1:

To access the extension, First go to the main menu. Select Settings and click on CRM settings.

Step 2:

Now, from the other settings dropdown, Select Email Marketing.

Step 3:

 This will bring you to a list view of your campaigns. Here you can see the details of all your campaigns such as the subject, status, sender, etc.

Step 4:

To create a new campaign click on the” Create Email Marketing Button” the on top right of your screen.

Step 5:

In the first step, you have to fill in the Campaign details. Give your campaign a name. Select the Email server, Sender’s name, email, and assigned to.

Step 6:

Now, press the next button to proceed.

Step 7:

In this step, you can set your marketing list. This means to choose whether you want to show leads, contacts organization, or, all. 

You can also create custom filters by clicking on Create lists. The created filter will be displayed below.

Step 8:

 Now Select the records that you want in the campaign to show. To select individual records click on select leads, contact, or organization.

Here let me tell you another interesting thing. You can also select records from your previous email campaigns by searching it from the search bar.

Step 9:

Once you have selected the lists and records for your campaign press “Next”.

Step 10:

Now, select a template for your campaign. Or create a custom template by pressing the create email template button. You can also edit the existing template by clicking on the template.

A form will be displayed on your screen, enter a name for the template and a description. To design the templates click on “Switch to Mosaico Email Template Builder”. 

Click on “Save template in vtiger” to save the template.

Step 11:

 After selecting or customizing your email template Click “Next” to proceed.

Step 12:

This is the last step of creating an email campaign for your business. Here, review your campaign details and make sure everything is in place. 

After reviewing the schedule send your campaign through email.

Step 13:

To schedule press the schedule button. On the popup enter the date of scheduling. Select the number of people you want to send the campaign and set a timeline.

Now, press OK to confirm your campaign.


That’s it. An email campaign is ready and has been scheduled to reach your audience. 

VTDEV is Vtiger service providing agency offering the service of Email Marketing Configuration. If you want to Customize this extension to your Vtiger CRM feel Free to contact us Today and we will help you add Email Marketing Extension to your CRM and increase your brand’s Productivity.

Ready to Transform you CRM 

vtiger email marketing