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"How Switching to Vtiger CRM can Benefit Your Business"

"The benefits of Switching to Vtiger CRM"

Want to know How Switching to Vtiger CRM can benefit your Business Read the article below, and get the answers to all your questions. Are you still using traditional customer management tools? Managing data in Word and Excel? Communicating with your customers on a different software? Managing your team separately? It’s time you need to shift your business management operations to more centralized software. CRM software is the perfect choice to manage your business efficiently and enhance your workflow.

Vtiger is an open-source and customizable customer relationship management software used by many small to medium businesses to maintain their records and valuable data, provide advanced customer support, automate complex business tasks, and do much more.

The importance of choosing appropriate business management tool

No business is same, and so are their requirements from a business management tool. Selecting a suitable business management tool for your organization helps in increasing the productivity and functionality of your organization.

But, Vtiger CRM is an all-in-one management tool. With capabilities to handle your customer engagements, automate sales and marketing processes, manage projects and deliver reliable customer service and support. 

5 Exciting Features of Vtiger CRM

Maintaining a good relationship with customers is the number one priority for businesses of all sectors. Whether you work in the cooperate sector, or have a software company customer satisfaction is indeed the way to success. CRM software like Vtiger allows you to manage sales and marketing processes, customer relations, and team management efficiently and conveniently. Switching business management tasks to CRM software is the best practice for your business’s growth and prosperity.

Let me explain to you how working on a CRM software like Vtiger can benefit your Business:

  1. Open-source software
  2. Automate repetitive tasks
  3. Improve customer relations
  4. Optimize sales processes.
  5. All-in-one software
  1. Open-source software:

        Vtiger is a powerful open-source customer relationship management software tool allowing business to enhance their workflow and improve productivity. Unlike other CRM software, Vtiger is an affordable CRM software suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. The installation and configuration cost of Vtiger is much less than other CRM software. If you don’t have the technical staff to install and manage Vtiger, you don’t need to worry because Vtiger Service providers like VtigerDEV can help you set up and customize Vtiger CRM for your business.

  1. Automate repetitive tasks:

   CRM software is developed for businesses to automate business management tasks, increase sales and optimize the speed of complex processes. Humans can make mistakes and take a lot of time for simple and basic tasks. Using software for basic business management processes, from email marketing to report generation to team management is a smart move by many businesses. Vtiger is the perfect software to automate repetitive business management tasks reducing the need to hire employees for basic tasks and optimizing the speed of processes

2- Improve customer relations:

Customers play a great role in an organization’s success and growth. Having satisfied customers is beneficial for businesses to enhance their workflow and generate more leads. Vtiger allows you to improve customer relations by communicating with your customers efficiently, analyzing their needs and requirements, and taking the desired steps to convert leads into deals. With its advanced features, Vtiger lets you understand customer requirements

3- Optimize sales processes:

Another powerful feature of Vtiger is to automate sales processes and tasks. Vtiger with its advanced capabilities enhances users’ working experience by optimizing sales processes. Keeping track of the sales pipeline is a distinctive feature of Vtiger.

4- All-in-one software:

Vtiger allows you to integrate other business-related software with it for a better working experience and enhanced workflow. The Integration feature of Vtiger makes it different than other CRM software. 

5-Customizable CRM software:

     Every business is different from the other. Similarly, the needs and requirement of each business is unique. Their strategies to manage customer relations are also distinctive. Vtiger is a highly customizable CRM software that allows you to customize each module according to your requirements. Integrate useful software and add powerful extensions. You may not understand how to customize Vtiger according to your business needs. This is where VtigerDEV comes in. Our expert team will analyze your business strategy and requirements and customize Vtiger according to your unique business needs.

6- Extension:

One of the smart features of Vtiger is the extensions feature. Vtiger supports a variety of dynamic extensions that improve your business management capabilities. The email marketing extensions allow you to run successful email campaigns, with the custom reports extension you can create complex reports. 

vtiger export to xls extension

Choosing VTDEV to help you migrate to Vtiger

Switch to Vtiger CRM and improve your business productivity and growth. With up-to-date and advanced features Vtiger has proved to be the best option for businesses to manage their sales marketing and customer relations within a single software. It is the need of every business to automate such repetitive business management tasks and increase customer relations with CRM software.

Contact VTDEV in case of any queries or questions. Our support team is there to solve your problems regarding Vtiger CRM around the clock.