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How to Install VTIGER CRM version 7.4

If you want to know How to Install Vtiger CRM version 7.4 successfully you should read our detailed article below. Vtiger is one of the most powerful and popularly known Customer Relationship Management tools. The main reason for its popularity is that it provides extensive features and tools for every department of the organisation to automate and boost their operations. No matter what your business is or which department you want to utilise, Vtiger can be adapted and tailored to your needs. Businesses can customise Vtiger by adding additional Vtiger extensions and third-party integrations with the software to enhance the overall functionality of the software.

Vtiger 7.4 Installation

When we Discuss about Vtiger, a crucial task is to download and install the software on your local servers. To get the maximum of benefits installing Vtiger carefully and taking the right steps is extremely important. If you want to maximize your efforts and utilize Vtiger to win over your customers, read the step-by-step guide below and install Vtiger 7.4 correctly.

How to Install Vtiger CRM version 7.4

The first step of installing Vtiger 7.4 is to download it from the web browser, To successfully download Vtiger on your system follow the following steps: Step 1: Go to the official sales forge site for Vtiger to download the required version or simply click the link https://sourceforge.net/projects/vtigercrm/.

Step 2:

Now, to choose the version, Click on the Files button.

Step 3:

In this step, you will select the required Vtiger version for your organization. Here, we are downloading Vtiger 7.4.

Step 4:

Click on the Core file to download.

Step 5:

Now, download the vtigercrm7.4.0.tar.gz file.

Step 6:

Extract the tar.gz file in the directory you want.


Data Base Creation:

After downloading Vtiger 7.4, the next step is to create a MySQL database where the Vtiger Data can be stored.

Step 1:

Access the MySQL Database.

Step 2:

Click New to create a new database.

Step 3:

Now, enter the name of your database and press Create. A new database will be automatically created.

That’s it.


Vtiger Installation:

After Downloading the Vtiger version on your system the next step is to install it with the installation wizard. For that follow the following basic steps.

Step 1:

To access the Installation Wizard, Run the URL of your Vtiger directory on the web browser.

Step 2:

To start the Installation Wizard click on Install Button.

Step 3:

Now read the license and click I Agree to proceed.

Step 4:

In this step, you will check the PHP configurations and ensure that your Present values coincide with the required ones. After checking, Press Next.

Step 5:

 A form will be displayed on your screen. Here enter the required information for system configuration. In the database information section the details of the database that you created. In the admin information fill out the necessary details.

Step 6:

Once you have done setting up Click Next.

Step 7:

Confirm the configuration settings and click Next.

That’s it Vtiger 7.4 has been successfully installed on your system. Now you can access your Vtiger directly from the web browser.

The Role of Vtiger CRM

Using software for everyday operations is a smart move taken by most businesses globally. The software has a lower error rate as compared to humans. Softwares can work more efficiently if configured properly. CRM software has gained a lot of popularity in the past couple of years. This is because these software are suitable for every organization. But to get maximum benefits it is important to follow the right steps. 


Get your Vtiger Installed and Customzied by VtigerDEV:

Vtiger is a powerful PHP-based CRM solution that is primarily developed for small to medium-sized businesses to assist them in managing everyday tasks effectively and promote task automation. Companies have witnessed a positive change by configuring the Vtiger CRM in their organizations. The software holds great significance in sales, marketing, and customer care departments. It can be customized according to every business’s unique needs and strategies.

If you want to customize Vtiger like configuring Vtiger plug-ins, integrating software, layout customization, etc. Feel free to contact us at support@vtigerdev.com. Because we at VtigerDEV aim to provide the best and top Vtiger services and support to our potential customers.