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Managing Main Menu of Vtiger

Managing Main Menu of Vtiger can be challenging. If you are struggling with it read the article below.

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What is CRM and What is Vtiger?

CRM solutions are developed to enhance the working capability of businesses. There is multiple CRM software in the market enabling businesses of all kinds to streamline processes and automate tasks.Vtiger is the fastest-growing CRM software developed primarily for small to medium businesses. You name a problem and Vtiger has the solution for it. With advanced features and up-to-date functionalities, it is helping businesses to enhance their marketing efforts, generate more leads and close more deals.

Customizations in Vtiger CRM

There are a variety of services that Vtiger provides to boost your working ability and productivity. Customization is one of the most powerful services. Being a highly customizable CRM solution Vtiger lets you tailor it according to your interests as if it's your software. Moreover, you can configure additional extensions, integrate other software, upgrade the version, and migrate your files from other software to Vtiger in just a few steps. Vtiger with its advanced features and high-end functionalities allows businesses to streamline processes. Moreover, the service-providing companies for Vtiger are also developing new and latest extensions so that the companies can enhance their business management skills. The custom report feature is one such powerful and highly used feature in Vtiger CRM.

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Managing Main Menu of Vtiger

The main menu is the area of Vtiger displaying all the commonly used modules for your business. Getting to customize the order of these modules is what businesses would want as having software of your own is a need of many businesses.


Steps of Managing Main Menu of Vtiger

If you want to change the order of modules and hide or unhide different modules from the main menu Follow the following steps:

Step 1:

Login to your Vtiger account. Go to the main menu. Select Settings and Click on CRM settings.

managing-main-menu step 1

Step 2:

Click on the configuration from the sidebar.managing-main-menu step 2

Step 3:

From the configuration drop-down menu select Main Menu.

managing-main-menu step 3

Step 4 :

Here you can see a list of all the parent modules with the sub-modules displayed below each parent module.

managing-main-menu step 4

Step 5:

To hide any module click on the cross button on top of each module. Here I am hiding the SMS Notifier module from Sales Module.

managing-main-menu step 5

You can also unhide the module by clicking on the select hidden module button under each parent module.

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Step 6:

To change the order of modules, simply use the drag-and-drop feature.

managing-main-menu step 7

In this way, you can manage your main menu of Vtiger efficiently.

Choosing VTDEV to help you Managing Main Menu of Vtiger

Do you also want to boost your sales and marketing through CRM? Are you looking for a reliable Vtiger services provider? Are you struggling to customize Vtiger according to your needs? If Yes, then let me tell you that you have come to the right place. We at VTDEV aim to provide the most reliable services and expert training to our valuable clients so they can make the most out of Vtiger. Our expert team of developers is working On making Vtiger the most effective source of management for your businesses. Contact us Now!