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Improved Comments

Enhance the layout of comments section with our Vtiger Improved Comments Extension.

vtiger improved comments extension

Vtiger extensions are useful and powerful tools. With these extensions, businesses can automate repetitive tasks, modify Vtiger’s layout add additional features.  One such extension for Vtiger is the “ Vtiger Improved Comments Extension

Vtiger has a built-in comment section for each module. It improves team management and collaboration by allowing team members to communicate with each other. The “Improved Comments extension” enhances the features of the default comment section and allows you to customize the comment section. It allows you to add up to 2 custom picklists. You can choose between these picklists to make your comment understandable.

Features of Vtiger Improved Comments Extension:

  • Highly customizable comment section.
  • Categorize the comment with the picklist feature.
  • Colored comments based on picklist selection.
  • Mention team members.
  • Format the text of the comment.
  • Supports all custom and standard modules.
  • Ensuring data security
  • Available at Vtiger marketplace.

Here is a step-by-step guide to configure the Vtiger Improved Comments extension for your business.

Step 1:

After successfully installing the extension. Go to the main menu. Select settings and then click on CRM settings.


Step 2:

From the other settings dropdown menu. Choose “Improved Comments”.


Step 3:

To turn on the extension enable the checkbox.


Step 4:

On enabling the extension. Vtiger displays two fields on your screen.


Step 5:

You can configure up to 2 customizations on your comments. Here on the first picklist. I am selecting reasons to choose from. To configure this picklist click on the “Configure picklist button”.


Step 6:

A form will be displayed on your screen. Select the module. Choose the picklist you want to configure.


Step 7:

In the all values section, configure picklist values. Add as many values as you want and set up a color for each.

Step  8:

After configuring both picklists press save


Step 9:

You can also hide a picklist by turning off the radio button.


That’s it. In this way, you can easily customize the comment section in your CRM.

By adding the Vtiger Improved Comments extension to your Vtiger you can make the interface look neat and clean by removing extra fields. VTDEV specializes in configuring this extension with your CRM. Contact Now