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Integrating Vtiger with other software tools and platforms

By Integrating Vtiger with other software tools and platforms you can not just improve the efficiency of your tasks but also boost operations and streamline tasks.

Business management is not a matter of just one software, you may need to use different software and tools for better management and task automation.

Vtiger is the fastest-growing open-source Customer relationship management software. Although Vtiger offers a wide range of features and functionalities there are many tasks that cannot be performed within Vtiger. To solve this issue, Vtiger allows its customers to integrate Vtiger CRM with other useful business-related software and tools.

Integration enhances Vtiger’s productivity and streamlines complex tasks. Vtiger integrates with different software some of which are given below:

  • Quickbooks integration
  • Google API integration
  • Microsoft Exchange integration

Proper training and careful planning are essential to perform a successful integration and make the most out of Vtiger. VtigerDEV offers integration training and service to its potential customers so that you can integrate your Vtiger with other third-party tools seamlessly and increase your workflow.

Basic Steps of Integrating Vtiger  with other software tools and platforms

If you want to integrate Vtiger with any software just follow the following basic steps.

  1. Make sure to have active accounts on both software.
  2. Log in to your CRM account.
  3. Click the Main Menu.
  4. Click Add-ons at the bottom left. This will take you to the Extension Store.
  5. Look for software you want to integrate.
  6. Click Install.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the installation.
  8. Sync the data between the 2 software.

To access the integration module within Vtiger follow the following basic steps.

Step 1:

Click on the main menu icon, Go to settings, and select CRM settingsextension step 1

Step 2:

From the side-bar click on Integration to access the integrations.integration article step 2

Choosing VTDEV for integration service

If you want to increase your business productivity and functionality or if you want enhance your customer relations, increase sales and generate more revenue. Connect your Vtiger CRM with third-party apps. Contact VTDEV a trusted and reliable Vtiger service-providing company.