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Vtiger Item Detail Customizer

Customization is one of the most powerful and interesting features of Vtiger. For better customization of Vtiger, there are a variety of Extensions that can be installed and configured with your CRM

Item Detail Customizer” is a handy extension. It allows users to customize the  Item Detail view of Vtiger. You can customize fields displayed in the detail view of the invoice, quotes, sales, or purchase order.


Features of Vtiger Item Detail Customizer Extension:

The Item Detail Customizer extension for Vtiger CRM offers many features that allow users to customize the Item Detail view to their specific business needs. Some of the key features of the extension are:

  • Add, edit, or delete the item details.
  • Supports all custom and standard fields
  • Creates a PDF file of item details
  • Module manager compatibility.
  • Available at Vtiger marketplace.

The Item details customizer extension for Vtiger is an advanced way of displaying the item details. The extension has improved the interface of the standard item detail section in the inventory module.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial for you to configure it,


Step 1:

Log into your Vtiger account. From the main menu. Select settings and click on CRM settings.

Step 2:

Now, from the other settings drop-down menu. Select Item Detail Customizer.

Step 3:

From here you can customize the detail view of the item. Choose the module for which you want to customize the item details. item-detail-customizer-step-3

Step 4:

In the Items section configure the item details. To add a new column press the “Add column” button.


Step 5:

Enter the required details for the column you added. Enter the field name, and select the product and service referring to the new column. You can also make the field mandatory, set it as editable, or manage the status of field.


Step 6:

Now set a width for the column. In the Formula field, You can type a custom formula to fill in the column. 

Step 7:

Add as many columns as you want. Press “Save” to save the changes.

Step 8:

In the “Totals” section. Configure the totals. Add fields and fill necessary information.

Step 9:

You can also add a custom section to your item detail from the “Sections” area.

Step 10:

Once you have configured. Hit the “Save” button.

Thats it. In this simple way, you can customize the details view of items in your inventory module for improved order management.

Are you thinking of customizing the detail view of your CRM but are not sure how to configure the extension with your Vtiger? Don’t worry because VTDEV is here to help you. We specialize in providing our customers with the best Vtiger Services. Contact Us now and get your hands on our advanced Vtiger Ite Detail customizer Extension.