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Vtiger Item Lookup Extension

vtiger item lookup extension

The Vtiger Item Lookup feature by VTDEV is a powerful tool designed to enhance your experience by simplifying the process of finding and accessing specific items within your Vtiger CRM. This feature streamlines your workflow, making it easier to locate crucial information and ensuring that you can make informed decisions swiftly.

Key Features of Vtiger Item Lookup extension:

  1. Efficient Search: The Item Lookup feature provides a highly efficient search mechanism, allowing you to quickly locate records, tasks, contacts, and other vital items within your CRM. This helps you save time and focus on tasks that require your urgent attention.

  2. Custom Filters: Tailor your search by applying custom filters based on various factors such as dates, categories, tags, and more. This ensures that your search results are precise and relevant to your requirements.

  3. Intuitive Interface: The user-friendly interface of the Item Lookup feature is designed for easy use. With its intuitive design, you’ll be able to navigate through search results effortlessly and identify the items you’re looking for easily.

  4. Quick Access to Details: Once you’ve found the item you need, the lookup feature provides instant access to its details. Whether it’s a customer’s contact information, a project’s progress, or a sales opportunity’s status.

  5. Cross-Module Search: The Item Lookup feature isn’t limited to just one module. It offers cross-module search capabilities, enabling you to search for items across different sections of your vTiger CRM. 

  6. Real-Time Results: The results presented by the Item Lookup feature are updated in real time. This ensures that you’re always viewing the most current information, eliminating confusion and ensuring accurate decision-making.

So if you have already configured our Item Lookup extension. Read the step-by-step guide below to make use of it and improve your data entry tasks.


Step 1:

First, configure the basic settings of the extension. For that access the extension from the CRM settings. Here from the other settings dropdown menu select Item lookup.


Step 2:

In the configuration section. Select the Default module where you want to add the Item lookup popup. Turn the radio button on to hide the “Add Product” or “Add Service” buttons respectively.


Step 3:

In the products section, Set the basic configuration as per your needs.


Step 4:

Now configure the services section. Add up to three filters.


Step 5:

Now, let’s see how the extension works. For that first access the sales order module. Click on the “Add sales order” button.


Step 6:

Scroll down to the item details section. Press the “Item Lookup” button.


Step 7:

A popup will be displayed showing the details of all the items available. 


Step 8:

From the top left corner, select the product, service, or bundle you want to choose.


Step 9:

You can also filter out the list by selecting from the filters you configured. 


Step 10:

A list of items will be displayed according to your filters. To add an item simply press the “Add” button. You can also remove the item you added by clicking the “Remove” button.


Step 11:

Out item, lookup extension enables you to set the quantity of the item, price, and other details. Add an image of the icon if needed.


Step 12:

After finalizing your item list. Press the “Save” button.


That’s it. It is a smart tool to speed up item selection.

By adding the Item Lookup extension to your Vtiger you can make the interface look neat and clean by removing extra fields. VTDEV specializes in configuring this extension with your CRM. Contact Now.

For more information contact us