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Kanban View Extension

Looking for a systematic way of displaying and managing your workflow within Vtiger CRM? Kanban or Pipeline view extension is for you. A Kanban view is an efficient way of displaying and optimizing your operations through movable cards. These cards make the layout of your CRM impressive and let you manage your team efficiently and professionally.

Looking for a systematic way of displaying and managing your workflow within Vtiger CRM? Kanban or Pipeline view extension is for you. A Kanban view is an efficient way of displaying and optimizing your operations through movable cards. These cards make the layout of your CRM impressive and let you manage your team efficiently and professionally.

Features of Kanban View extension

With these features, Kanban view can optimize your processes and improve your efficiency. The Kanban or Pipeline view in Vtiger can be a powerful tool for managing your workflows and keeping a close check on your projects and tasks.


Using the Kanban accurately can help you get more benefits from the powerful extension. Read our step-by-step guide to use Kanban for your records.

Step 1:

After configuring our Kanban on your CRM you can access it through your Vtiger account. First login to your Vtiger. Go to the Main menu. Select Settings and click on CRM settings.

progress bar

Step 2:

Now Enable the Kanban extensions on your CRM 

Access the Kanban View:

  • Within the module you’ve selected, you should now see an option to switch to the Kanban view. This option might be located in the top menu, side menu, or as a button/tab near the module’s list view.

Edit and Update Records:

  • Clicking on a card should allow you to view and edit the details of the corresponding record.
  • Make necessary updates to the record’s information, such as adding notes, changing dates, or updating related fields.

Save Changes:

  • Any changes you make within the Kanban view should be automatically saved. However, double-check the extension’s documentation or interface to ensure this is the case.

VTDEV is offering this extension at an affordable price. We will provide proper training to set up this extension on your Vtiger to maintain your business processes and workflow systematically. Contact US NOW to add this Extension to your CRM software.

Ready To Transform Your CRM  .