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vtiger module builder extension

Module Builder

Vtiger Module Builder extension is one of the most popular and powerful extensions for the Vtiger CRM to increase its functionality and productivity. The Custom Module Builder extension allows businesses to create a customized module to store data and information in a secure way.

This extension lets you create a module and define a relationship between the modules. The relationship can be of all three types

  • 1-1 relationship
  • 1-M (Many) relationship
  • M-M relationship

The features of Vtiger Module Builder Extension:

  • Modules are developed on Vtiger standards.
  • The core file is not modified.
  • Saves time by automating module-building tasks.
  • A user-friendly interface.
  • Available at Vtigers’ marketplace

This extension was developed to make Module building easy and flexible. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to customize a module for your CRM. 

Step 1:

After installing the module builder extension on your CRM. Access the builder from your CRM instance.

Step 2:

To create a new module. Click on the “Custom module” button.

Step 3:

Give a label to your Module. Now enter a name to your module.

Step 4:

The fields and other details are not editable and will be added to your module by default.

Step 5:

Press the save button to save your module.

Thats it. You can create a custom module in your Vtiger CRM to store additional data.

 If you want to develop a customized module for your business or configure this extension with your Vtiger CRM. Contact VTDEV now and get the best packages.

So are you ready to transform your CRM?