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Multi User Assignment

Enhance collaboration and efficiency within your team with our innovative Multi-User Assignment tool.

vtiger multi user assignment

While managing the team and performing huge operations you might need to share records with multiple members. Vtiger allows you to create groups within Vtiger to share data between users.Creating this group manually takes a lot of time and effort.But don’t  worry because VTDEV has all the solutions for your business. With our latest “Multi-User Assignment” extension you can create a group automatically and assign a project or give access to a record to multiple users

This extension has a unique picklist field that lets you select all the users to be assigned. The Multi-User Assignment Extension has made team management easy and convenient. When you create a record the extension automatically develops a new group for that record. Another interesting feature is that it doesn’t create duplicate groups with the same users and it deletes a group that is no longer in use as users are unassigned. 

The Multi-User Assignment Extension has the following features:
  • Create groups automatically for better team management.
  • Multiple users can be selected easily with a picklist field.
  • Supports all standard and custom-made modules.
  • Compatible with the module manager
  • Available at Vtigers Marketplace

Our documentation and guide is coming soon! Stay tuned!

If you are thinking of configuring this extension with your Vtiger 6 or higher version. You are at the right place. VTDEV is a team of specialized developers helping businesses excel in customer relations, sales, and team management. Book Us now!

Contact at support@vtdevsolutions.com


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