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vtiger notifications extension

Vtiger Notifications

Vtiger is a popular customer relationship management software used by business administrators to manage sales, marketing, customer relations, team and other business management tasks efficiently . The business administrators want to have a close check on all the processes. To keep them updated about the latest advancements they can configure our Vtiger Notification Extension with their Vtiger CRM.

The “Notification extension” is a powerful Vtiger extension that keeps you updated about the latest information. It triggers a reminder or alert box on the menu header which can be assessed easily in just a single click. This extension works on Vtiger’s standards and is ideally used to add reminders regarding tasks and projects. It may display a trigger showing ticket creation, new opportunities, contact, etc. The notification extension displays information or tasks that need urgent follow-up.

The features of Vtiger Notifications Extension:

  • Works well with all standard Vtiger modules.
  • Works with Leads, Organizations, Tickets, Opportunities, Quotes, Invoices, Sales Orders, Projects, and Project Tasks.
  • Options to accept or postpone the reminder.
  • Keeps the core files safe and unchanged.
  • Available at Vtiger marketplace.

Vtiger allows you to add custom notifications using this extension. If you want to configure the extension follow the steps below:


Step 1:

Install the extension in your CRM or get from VTDEV.


Step 2:

From the CRM settings. Go to automation and the click Workflows.


Step 3:

Click “New workflow” to create a new workflow and trigger notification.


Step 4:

Give a name to your workflow. Select a module and description.


Step 5:

Choose when the workflow will trigger.


Step 6:

Set conditions to run the workflow.


Step 7:

To add a notification press “Add action” button and then select “Create record”.


Step 8:

Now in the create record field select Notification.


Step 9:

Click add field button. Now select the description field and type the text that will be displayed in the notification.


That’s it. 

Add the Vtiger Nofiifcation plug-in to your Vtiger CRM and be updated on the important information. Contact VTDEV today.

So are you ready to transform your CRM?