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In the standard Vtiger CRM, a field in a record can only be edited in the Edit view of the record. This method is not convenient s navigating from one view to the other is a time-consuming task. VTDEV has solved this issue for you. Our latest and advanced “Quick Edit Extension” is here for you. This extension displays a quick edit view allowing you to change the data in a field in just a few steps.

The Quick Edit Extensions works in a way that it displays a “Pencil icon” with every field. When clicked the pencil icon will display a Quick Edit popup. The field can be edited quickly within this popup. The Quick edit extension is suitable as it lets you update a record in the detail view.

Some of the key features our Quick Edit extension contains are listed below:
  • A very easy-to-use interface.
  • Lets you edit a record in detail view.
  • Adds a pencil icon with every relation to Edit the data.
  • Works with all standard and custom-made modules
  • Vtiger Core files are not changed.
  • Available at Vtiger Marketplace.

Have you installed VTDEV’s “Quick Edit” extension but are unable to utilize it? Here is a step-by-step guide to help you configure the extension.

Step 1:

Firstly access the extension from the main menu. Select settings and click on the CRM settings.


Step 2:

Here from the other settings drop-down select Quick Edit.


Step 3:

Perform basic configuration and enable the extension.

Step 4:

To make use of the extension. Access any record. Click on the edit button.


Step 5:

Now, in front of a field, you will see a pencil icon. Click on the icon to edit the field in related records.


Step 6:

On clicking Vtiger displays a popup form. On this form, you can change the value of this field in other modules.

That’s it.


Increase data accuracy and speed up the data updation tasks by adding this extension to your Vtiger CRM. There is no Vtiger job that is too small or too big for VTDEV. Contact VTDEV to avail of Quick Edit extension at the most affordable price.

So are you ready to transform your CRM?