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The API documentation for Vtiger CRM

Read The API documentation for Vtiger CRM to get maximum benefits from the software and empower your business taking business management to the next level

Vtiger's API Documentation

API stands for Applications Programming Interface, an API works to develop a connection between two software. APIs are used to transfer information and data from one software to another. It is a programming interface for developers to integrate software. Vtiger is a software enabling you to integrate other software with it for better working experience. API help in connecting the two software. Moreover, you can create your custom API within the CRM software for better workflow.

The API documentation within Vtiger is mainly created for developers to integrate software and transfer data effectively. It is composed of a set of rules and protocols for different APIs including the available endpoints, layouts, authentication methods, and much more. In short, it is a detailed guide for developers for smooth integration and other configurations.

How APIs work in Vtiger?

API helps in integrating third-party tools with Vtiger seamlessly to enhance the ability and functionalities of software. Here’s how you can use API within Vtiger.

  • To integrate Google Suite and enhance your business management by making attractive documents, tracking emails, and much more.
  • Asterisk is a call management software tool. Integrate Asterisk with Vtiger through API for  more manageable calls and collaboration.
  • Staying on top of the management of your accounts with the Quickbooks integration.
  • Social media accounts integration with Vtiger can be done through API for a more effective performance.

The API documentation for Vtiger CRM

There are multiple types of APIs available on the internet. After analyzing your requirements you can choose the right one for yourself.

  • Private API: APIs that are developed to be used within the organization are called Private API.
  • Public API: Public APIs are mostly free of cost and can be used by anyone to connect systems and data.
  • Partner API: It is also a private API shared between two organizations and can be accessed only by authorized members.
  • Composite API: When 2 or more APIs are combined to handle complex system requirements it is called a composite API. These complex systems cannot be managed by single API.
  • Web API: It is a web-based API developed to connect a web server with a web browser. It may or may not be paid. 

What Benefits The API documentation for Vtiger CRM offer

API offers multiple benefits to your business. Some are discussed below.

  • Reaching maximum Audience: Software integrate with API helps to reach more target audience which increased the sales.
  • Customization: API serves as a source of customization for your software by building a comprehensive UI and better layout.
  • Increase in flexibility: Access to API increases the flexibility of software to transfer data.
  • Efficiency: The level of efficiency for data transfer is higher using an API.
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Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

API comes in handy when integrating Vtiger with other software. These offer a secure and reliable connection between two software. This is a smart tool for business administrators and developers to integrate software. Moreover, you can have access to documentation of Vtiger API for performing secure and smooth integrations. VTDEV can help you integrate your CRM with other software and tools with a secure connection and reliable service.