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The Importance of Backups in Vtiger CRM

In this article we will look into The Importance of Backups in Vtiger CRM.

Are you not backing up your data and important files on regular basis? Its time for a quick backup then, to save your crucial data from losing. Read the article below to know why backups are important for your software’s efficiency.

Vtiger Backups

Backup is a very crucial process in software development. Taking backups of your important and confidential data is extremely important to keep your data safe and prevent it from any unwanted deletion. Backups not just keep the data safe but also comes in handy in case of a sudden need for old data. Incase of any virus or unexpecting hacking the backups can help you continue your work without any delay. Through this backup you can restore your important files and crucial data.

VTDEV is a well-known Vtiger service provider helping you to customize Vtiger as per your unique business needs. Our team of expert Vtiger developers are working and developing numerous handy extensions, integrations, and customizations for you to upskill your business management with Vtiger. We have developed for you a smart extension to automate your backups. The Auto backup extension schedules your backups to keep your data safe while ensuring security. This is specifically built to ease your tasks by automating a hectic yet important task to backup files and data.

Here's why you should take Regular Backup of your data

There are two types of backups: one is on-site, and the other is off-site backup. Having an off-site backup is as much important as it is to take onsite backup, for a more effective working and prevention of data loss.

Following are a few points The Importance of Backups in Vtiger CRM

  1. Secure the data: The first and foremost reason to take a backup of your data is to keep the important data and information safe and secure. In case you lose your data you can easily access it from your most recent backup.
  2. System failure: Assume that a short circuit or any other disaster has occurred and your system has failed. Having a backup in such times is a sigh of relief. From this backup, you can start functioning again without any delay in your operations and processes.
  3. Accessing historic data: Backups come in handy when you want to access your company’s historic data.
  4. Customizations: Vtiger is a highly customizable CRM solution. Backing up the important data helps safeguard these configurations and customization. If you are making any changes to your CRM and some problem occurs due to which the system breaks down. The backup enables you to carry on your processes in a known working environment.
  5. Upgrading the software: When you are willing to upgrade your Vtiger to the latest version to avail of exciting and powerful features, make sure to take a backup of your system to prevent the loss of important data in case of any errors.

The contents of Vtiger Backup

Backups play a very significant role in maintaining the accuracy and consistency of your crucial data and files while keeping security intact. An entire Vtiger backup includes the following:

  1. Database backup:The main and most important backup is the database backup. As all the Vtiger data is mainly stored in the database, it should be the first step to take a backup of your database. This can be done by simply accessing your database and exporting it to generate a SQL file to store the data.
  2. File Backup: While most of the Vtiger data is stored in the database, some of it is also stored in the files, like email templates and user configuration. Taking files backup helps in securing the customizations and configurations.
  3. Configuration backup: In Vtiger, you can set configurations and add customizations to enhance the layout and working capability of the software. This backup includes the configuration settings of modules, workflows, security settings, etc.
vtiger auto backup extension

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

Are you willing to back up your Vtiger database, configuration settings, and other files?Or are you afraid of adding new extensions or upgrading your software because of loss of crucial data? Its time to backup your important data and upgrade your software freely. 

Consult VTDEV and enhance your productivity by setting up Vtiger according to your business. We at VtigerDEV, understand that every business is unique and so, their requirements for CRM software are also different. Thus, we believe in getting in touch with you and keeping you up-to-date to make Vtiger software of your own.