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Top 10 Most powerful Vtiger Extensions to boost your Business

In this article we will take a look into the Top 10 Most powerful Vtiger Extensions to boost your Business.


VtigerDEV Extensions! A choice of every business

So, Vtiger is one of the most widely used and commonly known CRM software. The main reason for its popularity is that it budget-friendly subscription package. A wide range of powerful features and tools to maintain your records and perform everyday tasks seamlessly. It offers additional support to manage sales, streamline marketing operations and automate tasks, etc.

Now, when we think about extensions. We know that these are the additional plug-ins that are configured to software to enhance its basic functionality. But can every other person develop a top-notch extension for Vtiger. Well, not really, to develop a fully functional Vtiger extension proper knowledge about Vtiger terminologies is important. To achieve a successful vtiger extension you should hire a Vtiger developer. Our team of expert developers developer many useful extensions. With new and advanced technologies these benefit companies and even individuals.

10 Vtiger extensions to boost your Business

Vtiger extensions are developed to increase the overall functionality and productivity of Vtiger . Following are the top 10 best extensions that you can add to your CRM to supercharge your CRM experience:

  1. Email Marketing: At no. 1 comes the Email marketing extension. To get more sales, companies opt for marketing strategies. They run campaigns to promote their products to the target audience. Vtiger’s Email Marketing extension allows you to send email campaigns to your target audience.
  2. Work Automation: The work automation extension is a VtigerDEV-exclusive extension that allows you to automate operations. With this extension you can automate your basic operations to enhance the efficiency of tasks.
  3. Conditional Layout: The layout of software creates a great impact on users thinking ability. With the conditional layout extension, you can set a condition-based layout on your CRM. This will increase users’ working experience and help them engage better.
  4. Quick Edit: If you are maintaining your company’s data within Vtiger and there is an advancement or change in the records. Modifying each record from the detail view can be hectic and time-consuming, with Vtiger’s Quick Edit extension users can edit the records from the list view without accessing the detail view.
  5. Improved Comments: Vtiger has many team management features. You can post comments on records and share your opinion with other team members. The improved comments extension lets you add images, change the font and even mention users in the comments for better collaboration and communication.
  6. Document designing. When dealing with different clients, the sales manager has to create documents to interact with the customers. The document designer extension can be used to create engaging and attractive documents and improve the overall working experience of the users.
  7. Listview colors: Having a user-friendly interface helps to keep the employees hooked and enhances their experience with the software. Now, you can add colors on the listview to distinguish the records with the listview colors extension and even set the width of columns in the listview.
  8. Activity Reminder: The activity reminder extension displays a popup when an important activity or event is due. This helps in scheduling meetings.
  9. Field Autofill: If you want to autofill fields in other modules based on the data in one module, then this extension would suit you best. The field autofill extension fills a field in a specific module whenever a related field s filled in another module.
  10. Control Layout Fields: Having the ability to change the layout of the fields according to your interest is what we call cherry on top. With this extension, you can customize the fields to enhance the interface and improve the user experience.

The above-mentioned extensions are the most popular and handy extensions that can be configured with your CRM to supercharge your experience and streamline your operations. 

Why choose VTDEV to get Vtiger Extensions

Adding these plug-ins with your CRM can be very beneficial for your business in terms of functionality. Vtiger add-ons help businesses succeed and grow faster.

VTDEV is a team of professional developers developing handy extensions and plug-ins to integrate with your CRM. If you are looking for an extension provider for your Vtiger consult us at VTDEV. We have the most suitable and reliable extensions ready for you.We also have the services to add custom extensions and integrations to your CRM. Our team at VTDEV will have a meeting with you to understand your needs and requirements. Afterwards, We will suggest the most suitable extensions for your business.