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Top 5 Benefits of Vtiger's Customer Portal Extension for Your Business

Vtiger's Customer portal extension is a smart tool for every business. Engaging with your customers and creating strong relations is essential for faster growth of your business.

Read the article below to know how you can use the Vtiger customer portal extension. Benefit your businesses and improve customer relations.

VtigerDEV Extensions: A choice of every business

Vtiger is a software primarily developed for small to medium-sized businesses. It enables them to handle large amounts of data and manage other important tasks. As the software is highly affordable you can install the software and configure it at a very low cost. Vtiger is an all-in-one highly intuitive and easy-to-use. CRM software perfect for small businesses.

The customer portal for Vtiger CRM is a smart extension that can be configured with your CRM so you can interact with your customers, get their reviews and resolve their queries easily. The portal comes with an intuitive interface where customers can post their issues and the customer support team is notified to solve the problem in real time. This extension is beneficial for businesses who deal with regular customer interactions and want to win their customer’s trust.

vtiger's customer portal view

Top 5 Benefits of the Vtiger Customer Portal Extension

The customer portal is a powerful extension. It is developed to help you improve your customer relations by providing them with a more friendly environment. It contains a knowledge base to answer clients’ queries. A community forum where your customers can post their reviews, and much more.

Following are some of the key features that the customer portal contains:

  1. Record access and Ticket management

    Within the customer portal clients can easily log in and access their confidential data, create tickets, and post reviews, questions, and queries. From here the tickets will be appointed to the support team and will be solved in real time. Strong password policies are used to keep the data safe and ensure privacy from unauthorized access. Order tracking has become convenient with Vtiger’s customer portal extension.

  2. Intuitive Extension:

    The customer portal extension is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. It provides a spontaneous and attractive experience to the users. In this way, businesses can engage well with customers and win their trust.

  3. Interface Customization:

    The extension can be configured and tailored as per your requirements. From the settings of Vtiger. users can set permissions and customize their own instance like turning on dark mode or setting permissions etc.

  4. Easy collaboration:

    Customers can easily connect with the support team to resolve their problems. Better response rate improves customer satisfaction rate and a rise in sales. In case of emergency support, customers can schedule an appointment with the support team. Surveys are created and sent to the customers through the portal to get their two cents and improve efficiency. Emails can be sent automatically to relevant employees when the customer posts a request.

  5. Knowledge base:

    Last but not least, Knowledge base. A perfect way to answer the most commonly asked customer queries and questions. Answering your clients’ questions and solving their problems is your responsibility. It can help you gain their trust and increase sales. Within the knowledge base, companies can add answers to the frequently asked questions. And the customers can conveniently access them.

The customer portal is a way to reach your audience and engage with your clients seamlessly. Businesses can improve their customer relations by adding a customer portal to their CRM. Potential clients can add queries and get answers in real-time. This will be beneficial for organizations in all possible ways.

vtiger drag and drop documents extension

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

CRMs are used by businesses to interact with the audience and stay connected with them. By adding a customer portal extension, admins can track the progress of tickets, and collaborate with the customers. Customers can also get benefits from this feature. They will get a reliable place to access their crucial data, schedule meetings, track the tickets, and much more.

Incase of queries and questions regarding Vtiger customization, extensions, integration or other features. Feel free to contact us at support@vtdevsolutions.com.