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Top 6 Ways to Analyze Customer Satisfaction Rate

 Read the article below to know about the Top 6 Ways to Analyze Customer Satisfaction Rate.

In today's digital world, businesses have adopted the system of CRM to automate their sales processes. Using CRMs for your sales tasks streamlines processes and thus results in huge revenue.

Customer Satisfaction for business growth

Customer satisfaction is a very important asset for a business's growth and success. A satisfied customer directly means more chances of generating leads and an increase in sales. It is highly recommended to take the necessary actions to offer the best services to your valuable customers. A satisfied customer will always look forward to working with your organization again. This will increase your sales and help you you generate higher revenue.

As the world is growing, so is their needs. To cope up with the growing needs of people businesses have to adopt to the new working environment and involve technology in their day-to- day tasks. This proves to be helpful in increasing the sales by increasing the productivity and efficiency of businesses. CRM softwares are best for businesses who want to build strong relations with their customers.

The role of Vtiger in managing your customer relations

Vtiger is commonly used by businesses to interact with their customers, communicate with them, schedule meetings, send proposals, and more. It is a smart tool to enhance your customer’s satisfaction by offering them reliable services and extensive support. and interacting with them through different surveys, web forms, etc.

6 Ways to Measure Customer Satisfaction with Vtiger

Building strong and long-lasting relationships with your customers is quite beneficial for your business in terms of getting more leads. There are multiple ways to check the rate of your customer’s satisfaction from the feedback your clients give. Feedbacks are a powerful way to know about your customers, their needs,  and more. Some of the ways are listed below

The Customer Satisfaction Score:

The customer satisfaction score is more commonly pronounced as CSAT, it is used to measure the rate of customer satisfaction. The customer will give you ratings that can vary from 0 to 5. 0 would mean a low satisfaction rate while 5 would represent a very happy and satisfied customer.

The Net Promotor Score:

Clients can give ratings for the net promotor score from 0 to 5. This is used to measure the probability of clients referring you to other people around them. It measures the chances of you generating leads through your client’s reference.  0 is the lowest rate and 5 is the highest.

Get Feedback through Surveys and Webforms:

With this feature you can create surveys and webforms within Vtiger. Attach them to your website, collect reviews and feedback from your clients related to the services provided.

Customer Effort Score:

The customer effort score is mainly used to measure the rate of effort the customers  put to communicate with you and your team. How difficult or easy it was for them to explain their requirements, needs, and other related information.

Getting 0 rating is below expectation and means that you need to put more effort in providing reliable and secure services to your customers. If a customer gives 5 star rating it means that they are fully satisfied with your service and efforts.

Customer Portal:

Another smart way to measure your customer’s experience and satisfaction rate is through the customer portal. Within the customer portal you can interact with your audience. Moreover, you can understand their requirements by scheduling meetings. In this way you can meet their needs efficiently, making their experience worth it.

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Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

Customers are an extremely important aspect for your business. Having satisfied customers helps you improve your sales, and generate more leads. This directly impacts the rate of revenue you generate. VTDEV provides multiple features including the customer portal extension, feedback through surveys and web forms, etc. 

VTDEV is a reliable Vtiger Service provider offering several Vtiger services at affordable prices. Our expert Vtiger developers are developing useful extensions to improve your Vtiger workflow. We help you customize Vtiger and tailor it according to your needs and requirements. You name a problem and VTDEV has a solution for it. Contact us now.