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How to Upgrade Vtiger 7.X ---> 8

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Steps For how to upgrade your vtiger 7.x to 8 

1- Begin by downloading the migration patch from the official source. Access the migration patch from the specified link, such as: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vtigercrm/files/vtiger CRM 8.0.0/Core Product/vtigercrm-750-800-patch.zip/download.
Prior to initiating the migration, ensure to create a comprehensive backup of all code and the database. This precautionary step serves as a failsafe mechanism, allowing for a seamless restoration process if any issues arise during or after the migration.

3- Upload the downloaded zip file to your designated server and extract it in a chosen directory, for instance, https://yourdomain/migrationpatch.

4- Open the URL pertaining to the migration patch on your domain, such as https://yourdomain/migrationpatch, to initiate the Migration wizard.

5- The Migration wizard will guide you through a series of steps. Ensure that you carefully fill in all the necessary information and map the required fields correctly to complete the migration process.

Note: It is imperative to bear in mind that during the migration, any customized code integrated into the Vtiger system will be lost. As a result, it is recommended to exercise caution and create necessary backups to prevent the permanent loss of any custom configurations or developments within the Vtiger system.