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Vtiger Advanced Features for Organizing Tournaments and Events

Here is how you can utilize Vtiger Advanced Features for Organizing Tournaments and Events.  Vtiger is a perfect solution for maintaining data and performing other important tasks effectively.

Read the article below to learn how Vtiger offers advanced features for Organizing Tournaments and Events.

CRM Software for organizing Tournaments

Businesses organize events and tournaments now and then to keep the employees hooked and grab the attention of customers. Though Vtiger is not software designed to organize your activities, it offers a variety of features that may come in handy when organizing such events. You can even customize the Vtiger interface and other details to suit your business needs and organize tournaments and other events efficiently.

In today’s world businesses are looking for a suitable software system to help them manage their teams, connect with the customers, track the deals, and run campaigns to market their products. Vtiger is one of the very popular CRM software built to meet the needs of the growing industry. With its advance and latest features and exciting tools to manage your tasks while focusing on the main goals of a business, it has gained the attention of businesses around the world.

Vtiger Advanced Features for Organizing Tournaments and Events

Some of the useful features which can be beneficial in organizing your tournaments within Vtiger are mentioned below: 

  1. Tasks assigning and accountability: For arranging a tournament or event in your organization you have to collaborate with multiple members in your organization. For a smooth experience, you can assign records and tasks to each team member and even keep track of their progress.
  2. Calendar Management: It is a feature within Vtiger to set reminders of all the important events and activities.
  3. Vtiger’s Marketing features: Whenever a new event or activity is organized within your company. It is essential to market it through email and sms campaigns. In this way, you can reach more target audience which will increase your popularity and sales.
  4. Automation: With Vtiger’s workflow automation feature you can automate your basic operations and optimize the speed of tasks.
  5. Report and analysis: Get all the insights regarding your tournament. Track the sources used, the progress made, the attendance of employees, etc. Through these reports, you can take better and more informed decisions in the future.
  6. Contact management: Another way Vtiger can help you manage your events is by managing the contacts seamlessly. For every sector, you can create a separate table in the database, and access the contacts easily when needed.



System administrators and business managers can get a lot of benefits from Vtiger to schedule meetings, run campaigns, organize events, and much more. Vtiger is an enriched CRM software. It offers features and tools to help you grow strong relations with your customers by understanding their needs and requirements and delivering suitable services.

Benefits of Vtiger CRM for Tournaments and Event Management

Managing or organizing events in any organization can be tricky without a proper management solution. Being an open-source CRM solution, Vtiger allows its users to customize it for any need. It can be altered to organize events or tournaments in any organization. The following are the benefits of using Vtiger CRM to organize events in your company:

  1. Centralized Data Management.
  2. Increased productivity.
  3. Real-time monitoring and tracking.
  4. Detailed reporting and analysis.
  5. Customer engagements and improved management.
vtiger uth.net extension

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

Using Vtiger to handle your everyday tasks is the smartest choice made by businesses today. Even the tournaments and other events can be managed with Vtiger's business management capability. Being an open-source CRM it can be modified to meet the unique needs of every business. New versions and updates are launched to enhance the productivity of Vtiger making it more effective and popular among businesses. If you are looking forward to customizing Vtiger and configuring it to make it your software consult us at VTDEV. We will help you make the most out of Vtiger.