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Vtiger: the safest CRM for your business

Here we will take a closer look at Vtiger: the safest CRM for your business.

While choosing a CRM software for your business. Companies look for a safe and reliable software to automate their business operations and streamline processes. Vtiger is a secure and suitable choice for business. It automates tasks and enhances productivity in affordable packages.

Read the article below to know why Vtiger is a safer option for your business management.

Vtiger : The safest CRM for your Business

Every organization looks for a suitable and reliable CRM solution. Large businesses can pay huge amount on their CRM solutions. But small business owners are struggling to find a reliable one at low cost. Vtiger is a cost-effective yet highly featured CRM software. It enables millions of businesses to close deals, maintain records, and manage their teams. Vtiger helps businesses in all sectors. Vtiger offers the relevant features and tools for every business. So they can achieve their goals faster and generate great revenue. Moreover, it allows the admins to tailor and configure Vtiger as per their needs.

Data is the most critical part of an organization. The data within an organization is extremely confidential. It is a responsibility of the administrator to keep the data and other information secure. Businesses store their valuable data within the CRM. This is why businesses opt for latest CRMs with modern privacy and security policies. Vtiger is a software that uses 2 step verification technique to keep clients valuable data safe.

7 Reasons why Vtiger is a safe option for businesses

Most businesses look for a software to manage your tasks, track deals, run campaigns, and handle employees. Vtiger is highly intuitive and customizable software. It is adopted by businesses and is declared a safe CRM in an affordable pricing package.

Following are the reasons why Vtiger is known to be a safer CRM software for businesses:

  1. Open-source CRM: Vtiger is an open-source PHP-based CRM solution. The source code for Vtiger is readily available. So the expert developers can modify the code and make it safer according to every business.
  2. Data encryption: Vtiger enables you to encrypt the data into an unreadable form. It keeps your data and important information safe from unauthorized access. In this way even if the hackers access your confidential data theywont be able to make any sense of it.
  3. Permission setup and configuration: Vtiger is a highly configurable and customizable CRM solution. Allowing businesses to tailor it to their needs. The system administrators can set user permissions and define roles within Vtiger, In this way, the data can be accessed by employees with certain permission. This will keep the data safe.
  4. Regular Updates: Vtiger launches more advanced features and ways to protect your important information. Updating your Vtiger regularly can help you keep the data consistent and accurate.
  5. Safe hosting measures: Vtiger can be hosted on the internet or premises. When choosing a hosting server choose wisely to protect your data.
  6. Tracking: Tracking the progress of your employees can help benefit your business in many ways. Vtiger offers features to track the daily logs and activities of your team.
  7. Strong Password policies: Vtiger follows strong password policies. It advises its users to create complex passwords to keep the software secure. Moreover, it also has a 2-step verification technique. To make sure the data is safe and no unauthorized user is accessing the system.

Vtiger also enables admins to track the progress on tasks and stay on top of everything. Vtiger is a safe and secure CRM to store your data and manage your everyday operations seamlessly.

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Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

You can maximize your business by configuring Vtiger according to your needs. Vtiger is a choice for most businesses. It is because of its strong password policies and 2-factor authentication.

If you have any questions. Or want to customize Vtiger to suit your business? Feel free to consult us at support@vtdevsolutions.com.