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Vtiger vs Salesforce: A Comprehensive Comparison

In this article we will have a close check on Vtiger vs Salesforce.

Choosing the right CRM software for your business is the key to increase sales and generate huge revenue. In this article we will compare Vtiger and Salesforce CRM and see which one is the correct option for your business management.

Vtiger vs Salesforce CRM

Vtiger is a very commonly used PHP-based crm solution, empowering millions of businesses to automate their everyday operations and streamline tasks. Through Vtiger Companies create a more advanced approach for their teams to work in the modern environment and the customers to get the answers to their questions. It also allows businesses to customize the software by adding additional extensions and third-party integrations with the software.

The salesforce CRM is quite similar to Vtiger, as it is a cloud-based CRM enabling businesses to enhance their brand’s productivity and efficiency. It offers extensive support to handle customer queries with the ability to tailor the software according to your needs. But it is very expensive software compared to Vtiger. Due to Salesforce high pricing policies small business owners are more inclined towards Vtiger CRM.

Vtiger vs Salesforce: A Comprehensive Comparison

Things to Check before choosing a CRM solution for your business

When choosing a CRM solution, no matter what you choose, the first step is always to consider your requirements and expectations from the software. So before digging into the comparison of the two softwares investigate the following key points for your business:

  1. Study the size of your business.
  2. Make a budget for yourself.
  3. Make a list of the processes and analyze you want to automate with the software.
  4. Study the audience you want to sell your product or service
vtiger vs sales force

4 Distinguishing features of Vtiger and Salesforce

Every business is unique, so its requirements from CRM software are different from others. Not every software can suit your business so choosing the right software may help you get the most benefits from it for your business. Now, Let’s see how the vtiger and Salesforce CRM software differs from each other:

  1. Budget:

Vtiger offers a range of advanced features in the most affordable pricing packages. It is because It allows its users to buy a subscription package instead of getting the whole software. The companies providing Vtiger support are also budget-friendly. Depending on your Vtiger requirements they can customize the software for you.

The Salesforce CRM though offers many extensive features can be extremely expensive for small business owners, which is why its popularity is less than Vtiger. Setting up a salesforce in your organization can be costly as the service providers are fewer and charge higher rates.

  1. The size of the organization: 

The main distinguishing factor between Vtiger and Salesforce is the size of the organization they can deal with. Where Salesforce can easily manage the data and information of a large-sized software, Vtiger can effectively be used by small to medium-sized businesses as their personal CRM solution.

  1. Easy configuration:

When a company switches its operations to software they are looking for an easy-to-install and configurable solution, that will not pause other important tasks. Vtiger is an easy-to-use and highly recommended CRM solution for businesses who want an all-in-one CRM in lesser time. Anyone having some basic knowledge about Vtiger software can easily install and configure it on your system

Salesforce CRM offers expert features and tools for businesses to boost their operations, its installation process is quite tricky and requires a deep understanding of the CRM terminologies.

  1. Customization: 

The customization service for Vtiger allows the users to tailor the software as per their interests. Admins can get powerful Vtiger extensions from the service providers and customize Vtiger to get the most benefits from the software. The more friendly the software is the happier users will be. Keeping the employees satisfied can help organizations increase their sales by providing reliable services to the customers. Third-party softwares can be integrated with Vtiger to boost the operations and increase the workflow.

Salesforce CRM solution also allows its users to customize the software according to their needs and requirements. Depending on your interest you can tailor the software. Salesforce customization is a hectic process and requires expert development skills. Salesforce also offers integration services for its users so they can streamline their processes.

vtiger knowledge base extension

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

Choosing the right software for your business management can help you improve your efficiency and productivity. Although Vtiger and Salesforce are both very productive and reliable options as CRM solutions to get the most amount of benefits it is essential that you compare the software and conduct an analysis of your business to choose the perfect one for you.

In case of any queries and questions consult us at support@vtdevsolutions.com.