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What'sApp Integration

Discover the power of WhatsApp Integration from VTDev for efficient communication management.


What Advantages VTDev What'sApp Integration Provides

CRM Connection

Facilitate seamless communication between your CRM and WhatsApp, ensuring a synchronized and comprehensive approach to customer interactions and data management.

WhatsApp Group

Duplicate all WhatsApp Group members to a record in vTiger.


ain valuable insights into your WhatsApp interactions through the comprehensive analytics dashboard available in Vtiger, allowing you to track and analyze various metrics for informed decision-making and enhanced communication strategies.


WhatsApp Management for Multiple Accounts

Allow multiple users to utilize individual WhatsApp numbers for sending messages, providing comprehensive management for varied communication needs.

CRM Integration

Integration with CRM: Seamlessly connect WhatsApp with your CRM to generate tickets, activities, and tasks directly from customer interactions. Easily transfer WhatsApp messages to any designated fields within a record, and mark specific messages as priority alerts. Categorize messages efficiently into distinct groups such as 'important', 'new messages', and 'unknown numbers' for streamlined management.

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How to USE whatsapp integration

  1. Setup and Configuration: Begin by configuring the integration with your CRM system, ensuring that all necessary settings are properly adjusted to accommodate your business requirements.

  2. Contact Synchronization: Sync your WhatsApp contacts with the CRM platform, allowing for a seamless transition of data and enabling effective communication management.

  3. Message Categorization and Handling: Organize incoming WhatsApp messages into relevant categories, such as 'new messages', 'priority alerts', and 'unknown numbers', and establish a systematic approach for responding and managing these messages within the CRM system

whatsapp installation

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