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Work Automation

Increase productivity and automate repetitive tasks with the Vtiger Work automation extension

vtiger predictive fields extension

Are you writing emails everytime you send a new email to someone? We have an exclusively developed “Vtiger Work Automation” extension. The extension allows you to create your email templates and use them for the rest of your life. This will not only enhance the speed of your tasks but also improve productivity and efficiency by automating the emails. 


Vtiger allows its customers to enhance its productivity and functionality by adding advanced and handy extensions with it. The Work automation extension for Vtiger has automated tasks like sending and scheduling emails.

The work automation extension has the following interesting features:

  • Send emails using templates
  • Works well with both standard and customer-built modules.
  • Easy to use interface.
  • Compatible with the module manager.
  • Available at Vtiger Marketplace

Have you configured our Work automation extension with your Vtiger CRM but cant utilize it?

Read the step-by-step guide below.


Step 1:

Firstly to install this extension you can consult VTDEV.


Step 2:

After installing the extension go to the main menu and select CRM settings.


Step 3:

Now, select Other settings and then click on Work Automation.


Step 4:

To create a new template click on Add template button.


Step 5:

Give a name to your template and select parent and related modules.


Step 6:

Now, press the Add row button.


Step 7:

In the project task name field enter the name of the task.


Step 8:

Now, choose the employee you want to assign to the project.


Step 9:

Press the Add field button to add additional fields. Select the field and field values.


Step 10:

You can add as many rows as you want or delete a row if needed.


Step 11:

After fully configuring the template press the save button.


That’s it. A new template is ready to be used in your emails.

If you want to configure the Work automation extension with your Vtiger CRM Contact VTDEV. Because there is no Vtiger job that is too big or small for us at VTDEV.

For More Information contact us

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