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How to Create Custom Fields in Vtiger CRM

Now, you can Create Custom fields in Vtiger CRM to store additional information.

vtiger module builder extension

What is Vtiger and its use?

Vtiger is a powerful and advanced cloud-based CRM software, that empowers millions of small to medium businesses to excel in the field of business management. Customers are a powerful asset for businesses of all kinds. Building strong and lon-lasting relations with clients is essential to generate more leads and increase your sales. Interacting with your clients and managing crucial data through CRM software is a new trend. Every other business is opting for CRM software for their business operations. Vtiger is an extremely popular and feature-rich CRM solution for you.

Data maintenance through Vtiger

The data maintenance and record-handling functions of Vtiger are beyond expectations. It offers extensive support and tools to manage your data and information, create web forms and workflows, perform marketing operations, communicate with clients, and track the sales pipeline. If you are a company dealing with multiple orders and generating huge sales you should consult a Vtiger service provider and customize Vtiger as per your business need.

vtiger field tooltips extension

Vtiger Custom Fields

Vtiger is used by businesses to store their confidential information. Records are stored in modules and fields, the basic fields and modules required for any business are available it Vtiger’s default settings, if you want to store additional records or information related to those records, you can create modules and custom fields. These custom fields store relevant information, you can choose the name of the field, customize the layout of field, set field type, set size etc.

For custom fields, VTDEV has developed a handy extension named Additional custom fields. This feature allows you to add fields with different field types. With this extension, you can add fields with Html descriptions, assign to, them, and upload them as field types.

Step to Create Custom fields in Vtiger CRM

To create a custom field in Vtiger modules you can follow the following simple steps:

Step 1:

Login to your Vtiger CRM account.

Step 2:

Access the “Main menu”.

Step 3:

Go to  “Settings” and select “CRM settings”.

Step 4:

From the “Module Management” dropdown menu, select “Module Layout and fields”.

Step 5:

Select the Module for which you want to add a custom field.

Step 6:

Click on “Add custom field” to create a new field.

Step 7:

A form will be displayed on your screen, enter the following information.

  • Field Type.
  • Label name.
  • Max character.
  • Default value.
  • Field properties.


Step 8:

Click “save” to save the field.


That’s it. In this way you can easily create custom fields on modules in Vtiger.

Benefits: Create Custom fields in Vtiger CRM modules:

Some of the most common features and benefits of creating custom fields in Vtiger are listed below:

  • To store extensive information.
  • Getting better understanding of the records.
  • Increase Flexibility of records.
  • Adding fields with different field types.
  • Can be used on all modules from standard to custom built.

Adding Custom fields on modules in Vtiger is a useful feature for businesses dealing with large amounts of data. Through custom fields, you can add additional information on records for better understanding. To get the additional custom fields extension or to customize your Vtiger, contact VTDEV, a reliable service provider for Vtiger.