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How to use Keyword Shortcut In Vtiger CRM

Read the article below and learn How to use Keyword Shortcut In Vtiger CRM.

vtiger module builder extension

What is Vtiger

Vtiger is a powerful software used by many small-to-medium businesses in managing their business operations from sales pipeline to marketing to customer relations, team management, and much more. Vtiger is suitable for collaboration and interaction of businesses with their valuable customers. Companies can manage and maintain the crucial data of their customers, keep their clients up-to-date, generate leads, and turn prospects into clients faster through Vtiger’s advanced and latest functionalities.

Although Vtiger has also evolved over the years like other softwares and launched many new versions. With every version, a large number of features are also discovered. But, just like any other software Vtiger can still not meet the changing needs of today’s businesses in its simplest form.

The Keyboard Shortcut Extension

The Keyboard Shortcuts Extension developed exclusively by VTDEV comes in handy for business administrators who have to work a lot in Vtiger. This extension allows you to set custom shortcuts on different everyday functions. This optimizes the speed of repetitive operations by keeping your hands on the keyboard and eradicating the need to navigate manually with a mouse to move from one position to another in Vtiger and perform simple operations.

How to use Keyword Shortcut In Vtiger CRM

In this article, we will see how you can set a custom shortcut on different actions using our Keyboard shortcut extension.

Step 1:

Login to your Vtiger CRM account. Go to the Main menu. Select settings and go to CRM settings.extension step 1

Step 2:

From the sidebar select Other settings and then click on Keyboard shortcuts.

keyboard shortcut step 2

Step 3:

Select the checkbox to enable the extension.
keyboard-shortcut step 3

Step 4:

You can see a list of actions on your screen. In front of each action enter the keyboard shortcut key for that particular action.

keyboard-shortcut step 4

Step 5:

Click save to save the shortcut.

keyboard-shortcut step 5

VTDEV is a reliable Vtiger extension and services provider.

Vtiger Services Providing companies such as VTDEV has proved to be very effective in enhancing the basic features of Vtiger by developing useful and practical extensions, integrating Vtiger with other software, customizing Vtiger to tailor It according to every business’s unique needs, offering extensive support to Vtiger users and offering top-notch services regarding Vtiger. The expert development team at VTDEV is working hard to develop advanced extensions to improve your working experience and ease your tasks.

Benefits of Keyboard Shortcut Extension

The Keyboard shortcut extension is beneficial for businesses in many ways. From speed optimization of processes to ease in making different commands this extension helps businesses improve their productivity and functionality. Let us look into the benefits of the Keyboard shortcut extension.

  • The shortcuts speed up the navigation tasks.
  • Easy to use interface.
  • User-friendly.
  • Setting a new shortcut key requires just a few easy steps.
  • VTDEV offers extensive support for this extension.

Choosing VTDEV to set up this extension.

If you want to navigate through Vtiger CRM faster and increase the speed of different processes VTDEV’s Keyboard Shortcut extension will be the right choice for you. With this extension, business managers and administrators can perform these actions efficiently and easily. Contact Us now to configure this handy extension to your Vtiger CRM.