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4 powerful features of Vtiger Multi user Assignment Extension

Here are the top 4 powerful features of Vtiger Multi user Assignment Extension that you need to know.

Vtiger offers millions of handy and powerful features. It also offers useful tools for managing teams efficiently and conveniently.

In this article, we will discuss how Vtiger allows you to assign a single record to multiple users or employees in an organization for productive and effective management.

Vtiger and its role in the business industry:

Vtiger is one of the most widely used and popular CRM software. New and advanced features and functionalities are being developed for the business industry. To manage and maintain the data, run campaigns, create documents and much more. Although, the name suggest that Vtiger is mere a Customer relationship Management tool offering features to handle customer queries and engagements. It has way more to it.

It not just provides extensive tools to manage your customer relations. But also allows you to tackle the growing needs of your business by keeping your data secure from unauthorized users. Creating profiles and roles to manage your team, running campaigns to market your product, or generating leads to increase your sales. Using vtiger's workflow feature business admins and other employees can automate their repetitive tasks increasing the efficiency and productivity of the processes. Moreover, by configuring advanced vtiger extensions businesses can transform the software and make it into a better business management tool. In short, it is a software tool built to benefit each and every person in your organization.

vtiger multi user assignment

Multi-user Assignment Extension by VTDEV

When managing a business or carrying out a project, multiple employees work together as a team to fulfill the assignment and deliver the project successfully. Working in a team can also enhance the trust level of the customers, as they will know that the company is focusing on their project and working pationately to carry out the project. 

Creating a group manually and assigning records to multiple users is a time-consuming and hectic task. It takes hours to strategize the project tasks and assign each task to different employees. But not anymore, because VTDEV has exclusively developed this handy Multi-user Assignment extension for you to configure to your CRM. With this extension, you can assign a single record to multiple users in your company automatically. This will increase your productivity and efficiency as a business.

In  business management, you may have to involve different members from each department of your organization on a single project. Keeping all the team members together and connected, while working remotely or even on premise is difficult. With Vtiger you can keep your employees up-to-date and consistent with the latest updates on a record while keeping a close check on their progress.

4 powerful features of Vtiger Multi user Assignment Extension

The multi user assignment extension for vtiger has a field to indicate the group you want to assign the task. With an easy to use and intuitive interface the plugin has been extremely useful for the business admins optimizing their tasks and increasing the performance. Assigning one project to multiple users also boost the  workflow and reduces the delivery time. In this way businesses can also notice a positive effect on their customer relations.

The Multi-user Assignment Extension is one of the most useful and effective plug-in. Some of the top features this extension will offer to your business are listed below.

  1. Team interactionThrough this extension, your team can communicate and collaborate easily providing reliable service to your clients.
  2. Better efficiency of tasksInvolving the experts from each department helps in improving the efficiency and flexibility of the project. The team members can put their stances and work together to solve the issues.
  3. Better accountability: This feature lets you keep track of the processes better and keep your team under consideration. 
  4. Increase in Customer loyalty: When multiple users are connected on one record, the chances of error and problems will be less and you may provide reliable service to the clients on time. This will increase the customer satisfaction rate.  It helps in increasing the sales and thus generate greater revenue.

Overall, vtiger multi-user assignment extension can be configured and utilized to upgrade project management and improve business producitivity. Being a powerful and exclusive extension the multi-user assignment plugin is one of our best sellers.

Moreover, VTDEV has also crafted a range of other useful vtiger extensions that you can configure with your CRM to enhance the software’s performance and boost productivity.

How the extension works

The multi-user assignment extension is configured with your Vtiger. It works in a way to create groups and assign tasks and records to different users. In  “List of users” you can select the users to whom you want to give access of records.

Multi-user assignment feature also enables the business administrators work professionally and collaborate efficiently. If you also want to improve your business efficiency configure this extension with your Vtiger CRM. To get this extension at affordable price and get reliable configuration contact us at VTDEV. Are team of expert Vtiger developers empowers millions of businesses to master their business management skills. Visit our blog page to read other informative blogs and articles related to Vtiger CRM

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