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Google Suite Integration with Vtiger CRM

In this article we will take a close look on Google Suite Integration with Vtiger CRM.

Vtiger extends support in multiple business management operations, still there are certain tasks you can not perform on the basic Vtiger software. For that Vtiger allows you to integrate other useful software within Vtiger. In this way you can perform your tasks efficiently without switching between softwares.

Vtiger and Google Suite Integration

First, let's discuss what is Vtiger integration. So basically, Vtiger is a CRM software to manage your team, improve your sales, marketing, customer relations, and much more. It enables you to sync other third-party tools with it to optimize tasks and provide a better working experience. The synchronization of Vtiger with other software and tools is called Vtiger integration.

Google Suite is the most powerful and commonly used workspace used by millions of billions of Businesses around the world. It offers top-notch features and functionalities through different software. You name an issue and Google has a solution for it. Whether you want to store your files, schedule meetings, create documents, send emails, etc.

The importance of Vtiger Integration

Business management requires a series of different software tools, each for a specific operation. Thus, vtiger allows its users to handle the data within the software tool, and integrate other management solutions to carry out the processes effortlessly. Vtiger integration is the smartest and easiest way to upgrade the working ability of the software tool. Synching vtiger with other tools like google suite software, Microsoft solutions, QuickBooks, asterisk and so on can improve its functionality.

Google Suite softwares

Google suite is full of powerful and effective software tools that have transformed the idea of modern business management. Here is a list of Google suite softwares which can be integrated with your Vtiger CRM software to enhance yoour workflow and streamline your processes.

  • Google Sheets: This software lets you create attractive and informative Excel sheets within Vtiger to improve the speed of your operations and streamline tasks.
  • Google Calendar: The Google Calendar software is the latest and one of the most handy software for business administrators. This is used to set reminders, schedule meetings and perform your tasks on time.
  • Google Contacts: By integrating Google Contacts with your Vtiger you can manage your contacts efficiently sync your contacts and stay ahead of your tasks.    
  • Google Drive: Integrate google drive and store large amounts of files easily with excess storage capacity.
  • Gmail: With the Gmail integration you can keep track of your important emails and sync emails from Gmail and your mailbox.
  • Google Maps: With the google maps integration you can add your address information and other related details easily on the records.

To integrate the google suite with Vtiger, make sure to have successfully running accounts on both the softwares. Integration with Vtiger is comparatively easier than other software due to its friendly interface and reliable service providers.

The benefit of integrating Google suite with Vtiger CRM

If you want to get the most benefits from your CRM or Google Workspace you should synchronize the two software. Both the softwares work well separately, but if you integrate these softwares you can enhance the workflow and optimize your tasks. Google Suite and CRM software both are equally important for business management. By integrating this software you can level up your business game and upgrade the workflow. You should configure advanced vtiger extensions to customize your CRM effortlessly.

vtiger improved timeline extension

Vtiger Google Suite integration by VTDEV

Don't you want to optimize your processes? Dont you think that you should integrate the Google suite software with Vtiger for improved productivity.

Both software are beneficial for your business if integrated. This would increase the working experience and improve your business efficiency. Now you can perform your daily tasks more fluently and seamlessly. Thus to get more benefits sync google suite with Vtiger today. In case of any queries and questions related to Vtiger CRM feel free to contact us at support@vtdevsoluions.com.

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