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How to use Progress Bar extension In Vtiger Crm

Now you can get all the insights with Progress Bar extension about your business processes in graphs efficiently.

progress bar illustration

What is Vtiger

Vtiger is a widely used Customer Relationship Management software tool enabling businesses to increase their productivity and workflow by uses its latest features to manage customer, sales and marketing processes. It has advance functionalities in team management and project management.

In order to provide the right service to your customers it is important to check if the team is working properly and honestly. For that businesses opt for a reliable Customer relationship management software such as Vtiger CRM. With latest features and up-to-date extensions the Vtiger CRM has proved to be the right choice for most businesses.

vtiger email marketing

VTDEV Progress Bar

While working on Vtiger CRM, business administrators may find the need to display the progress of a particular record or project in a more visual and informative way. VTDEV is a team of socialized developers working to develop meaningful and handy extensions for businesses to streamline processes and increase the productivity of Vtiger. One such extension developed exclusively by VTDEV developers is the “Progress Bar Extension”.

Vtiger is used to manage tasks and to keep track of these tasks is an important job for the business administrators. With the Progress Bar extension, administrators can keep a close check on the progress made through graphical representation of records.

Steps to use the Progress Bar extension

In business management, keeping track of the progress is as important as generating a lead or closing a deal. Getting equal importance to all the factors included in a business project is significant to provide top-notch service and maintain good relations with the customers.

To use a Progress Bar, you need to follow the following Basic steps:

Step 1:

Login to you Vtiger account. Go to the Main menu, select Settings and Click on CRM settings.

extension step 1

Step 2:

Now, from the other settings drop-down menu, select Progress Bar.

progress bar step 2

Step 3:

Click on New Progress bar Button.progress bar step 3

Step 4:

Enter the required information in each field. Select the module, field, status and click the radio button if you want to set the progress bar as editable.

progress bar step 4

Step 5:

After entering the details Click Save.

progress bar step 5

That’s it a progress bar will be added to the specific module.

Benefits of The Progress Bar extension

This is beneficial for businesses of all kinds as it helps the managers to check on the team and create a reliable relation with their customers. Some benefits and features of our Progress bar extension are mentioned below.

  • Easy to use and configure.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Displays a graphical representation of records in a module.
  • Suitable for keeping track of a deal.
  • Can be used for custom as well as built-in modules.

Configuring this extension through VTDEV developers

VTDEV is a team of expert developers helping businesses excel in maintaining long-lasting customer relations and managing team efficiently. Our exclusively developed extension allows business to enhance the productivity of Vtiger making it more user-friendly and useful. To configure the progress bar extension to your CRM feel free to contact VTDEV. We have developed this extension with full devotion and are ready to customize it according to your business needs and requirements. We understand the unique requirements of every business and try to create a perfect CRM solution for each business. Contact us Now!