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How to Use VTDev Resize Column Extension

Resize Column Extension is a smart tool to increase the size of columns in listview and set them as per your needs.

Following is a step-to-step tutorial on how to use this handy extension.

vtiger google drive extension

Vtiger And Its features

The interface of any software plays a significant role in increasing user’s working experience and optimizing the speed of processes. Vtiger is a Customer Relationship Management software tool enabling hundred of thousands of businesses to improve their customer relations by interacting with their customers more frequently and efficiently, the software is developed to meet the growing needs of businesses. It allows the businesses to streamline sales, marketing, and automate complex tasks, create workflows and much more.

VTDEV's contribution to Vtiger Features

Along with a large number of features and functionalities, the customizable layout feature of Vtiger is one of the bests. Vtiger being a highly customizable CRM solution allows its users to tailor the software according to their requirements. Now, although Vtiger has built in features still there are a lot of things it doesn’t support in the basic package. For such situations. Companies like VTDEV are developing newer and useful extensions every day for our honorable customers so that they can use Vtiger CRM to make the most for their business.

Resize Column Extension

Resize column Extension is developed exclusively by our expert Vtiger developers. This extension is used to adjust the width of columns in the list view of modules. The size of columns in Vtiger creates a huge impact on user’s working experience as the layout of any software plays great role in user’s thinking capability. The more user-friendly and neat a software’s interface the satisfier the customer is.

Lets have a quick look at the usage of Resize column extension in Vtiger CRM:

Step 1:

Log in to your Vtiger account. Go to main menu, select settings and then click on CRM settings.

extension step 1

Step 2:

Now from the other settings dropdown menu. Select Resize Column.

resize column step 2

Step 3:

Select the checkbox to enable the Extension.

resize column step 3

Step 4:

To use the extension, go to any module’s list view.

resize column step 4

Step 5:

Now just drag the columns to readjust the sizes.

resize column step 5

This is a very easy and smart way to enhance the default layout of  Vtiger’s list view of modules. Each module in Vtiger is separate from the others. When the listview of one module is changed it will not effect any other module.

Benefits of Resize Column Extension

The resize column extension proves to be beneficial for business administrators and CRM managers in many ways:

  • A user-friendly layout.
  • Increased productivity of Vtiger.
  • Spacious layout of List view.
  • A beautiful and attractive display of Listview of Modules.

Companies are switching to CRM software to manage their business processes as these are the best and most reliable way of business management. While choosing a CRM software many factors are to be taken care of. Vtiger is an open-source CRM software primarily developed for small-to-medium sized businesses to enhance their working capability and functionality.

Choosing VTDEV to configure this Extension

Now, if tou want to enhance the default interface of your Vtiger CRM, making it easier to use and better to see than the Resize column Extension would be the right choice for you. To configure this Extension to your Vtiger CRM feel  free to Contact VTDEV because we are here to solve your Vtiger problems and issues.