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5 Vtiger Extensions to Boost sales management

In this article we will take a look into 5 Vtiger Extensions to Boost sales management. Following the right strategy is the key to get more leads and generate higher revenue. Vtiger offers additional extensions to improve sales management and boost sales.


The role of sales team in business growth

In every organization, there is a designated sales manager. Who works with his or her team to track the company’s sales pipeline and take actions to increase sales. Every member of the team is assigned their respective tasks. While the manager is responsible to keep a check on the sales funnel. And make sure the whole process is going smoothly and clients are getting reliable services. Vtiger is a software tool providing sales management tools and features so the sales manager can improve productivity. It is a smart tool for businesses to automate sales processes. Assign tasks to employees, share information, and much more.

The prime responsibilities of a sales representative include lead generation and management. Tracking the pipeline, designing and managing documents, finding ways and creating strategies to boost sales. With Vtiger’s advanced sales management capabilities. Companies are observing a positive impact on their sales, marketing, and customer engagement.

vtiger dashboard

Vtiger Extensions to Boost sales management

The Power of Vtiger Extensions

Vtiger Extensions are useful add-ons that can be configured with Vtiger’s default version. These extensions are designed considering the need to improve the Vtiger CRM solution.  They enhance its functionality and amplify the user’s working experience. Mnay of the vtiger developers develop tons of useful vtiger extensions for your CRM solution. But, configuring the most suitable ones ca have a huge impact on their working. Some extensions may work for your organization but not for your friends. Thus, always make sure to analyze your business and consult a professional developer before configuring any third party vtiger extension with your CRM.

VTDEV has developed a wide range of powerful Vtiger extensions. You can add to your CRM and upgrade your CRM experience. Depending on your business strategies and requirements. You can add the most suitable Vtiger extensions to your CRM. Additionally, you can get our ready to configure vtiger extension pack and get your hands on all the necessary vtiger extensions for your business management.

The importance of sales management

Managing the sales is very important for any business.It is as important as it is to ensure quality customer service and support. Today, most of the business owners, adopt for different management solutions to enhance their sales processes and manage the saes effortlessly. 

Vtiger is one of the most widely used CRM solution. other than customer relationship management, many businesses opt for Vtiger CRM to handle and automate their sales processes. Further,, vtiger can be configured and customize according to your business to get maximum benefits and increase the power of the software.

Top 5 Best Vtiger extension to maximize sales efforts

Extensions are the best way to upgrade the workflow of Vtiger and improve it for your business. Now, let’s discuss some Vtiger extensions that may help the sales team to increase efficiency and productivity.

  1. Progress Bar:

Keeping track of the sales processes is essential for the sales manager. With the Progress Bar Extension. The admins can follow up on a sales pipeline and keep a check on the status of the project. This optimizes the sales tasks and increases the sales of the company. The users can even customize this extension. Make it more advance to show detailed information about the project.

  1. QuickBooks: 

Sales and accounts go hand-in-hand. Managing the accounts and maintaining confidential data is important to get sales and improve functionality. Integrating the Quickbooks software can be beneficial for the sales manager. They can manage accounts and track payments, create invoices and manage orders.

  1. Custom Reports and Dashboards:

Do you want to create detailed reports and get insights on ongoing projects? With the Vtiger reports extension you can automate the report creation tasks, Get a detailed analysis of the the sales pipeline. This helps in taking better decisions. Dashboards can be created for individual sales team representatives to display tasks and projects.

  1. Document Designer:

Document designing is a crucial step in sales pipeline. These documents are sent to the customers to explain the details. With the Document Manager extension sales manager can design attractive and informative documents in just a couple of minutes. And present valuable information to the customers.

  1. Mentions:

Team collaboration is the key to winning your customer’s trust. By providing them with suitable services. Having software where employees can communicate and collaborate seamlessly can boost your sales. Vtiger mentions is a powerful extension that can be added to your CRM. It increase the software functionality. And enable users to mention other members in comments and share valuable information. 

From small businesses to large ones. Vtiger can suit everyone by making just a few changes and configurations. It is used by every department of the organization to enhance its procedures and automate repetitive tasks. Lead generation and management have become effortless with Vtiger’s advanced workflow features. And extensions such as round robin, work automation, kanban view, etc.

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

The sales manager can score leads based on some pre-defined criteria. So the sales team can focus on more important leads, schedule important events and meetings. With the Vtiger calendar module, automate emails, and much more.

If you want to boost your sales operation. Maximize marketing efforts, and improve customer relations switch to Vtiger CRM. A perfect business management tool for small businesses in budget-friendly pricing packages.

Incase of queries and questions related to Vtiger  extensions and customizations. Don’t hesitate and contact us at support@vtdevsolutions.com.