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A detailed view of Vtiger's Intuitive Interface

Vtiger's Intuitive Interface is worth noting. In this article we will take you through the features of Vtiger interface and how it is the best among CRM's

Vtiger a leading Business Management Tool

Vtiger is built keeping in mind the growing needs of industries. It allows you to perform multiple actions related to business management. Data management and accuracy can be maintained easily with Vtiger’s extensive features. Whether you are running an small business or a huge one with multiple employees, vendors, etc. Vtiger can be the best option for you to handle your client's confidential data, Interact with your audience, run marketing campaigns, follow up your sales processes, manage your team, etc. The scope of Vtiger is beyond expectation. If you deeply study the features and functions of Vtiger you can definitely take huge benefits from it and so level up your business management game.

How is Vtiger a perfect software tool

Being a leading CRM software, Vtiger offers a range of features to help businesses grow faster and better by making their management operations automatic with Vtiger. Customizing Vtiger and changing it to meet your business needs may prove to be beneficial for your business. With advanced extensions and latest integrations you can enhance your bran’s productivity by using Vtiger’s features and tools.

Vtiger's Intuitive Interface and its Features

The front-end of Vtiger is very intuitive making it easier for the users to work on it. Moreover, companies like VtigerDEV may help you enhance your workflow by tailoring Vtiger according to your business. The new and improved UI enables businesses to manage their data and make informed decisions, create web forms, schedule meetings, and much more.

A detail view of Vtiger’s interface:

While working on any software it is important that you are familiar with the interface and can perform all the actions easily. Vtiger is software that is extremely user-friendly with an effective and attractive interface. Let’s discuss some of the most handy features of Vtiger:

  1. Login Page:  The first thing you see when you start a software is the login page. Having an attractive and user-friendly login page may effect your thinking towards the software. Vtiger’s login page has an attractive layout with the ability to even customize it further and make it your company’s own software page.
  2. Dashboard: The dashboard is the first screen that you will see when you log in to your Vtiger account. By default it displays the overview of your CRM data, you can also customize it by adding widgets and displaying the data you need.
  3. Main Menu: This is a navigation bar on the left side of your screen. All the parent modules and their related modules can be accessed from the main menu. The main menu can also be tailored and sequence of modules can be changed as to which one are more important.
  4. Modules: There are some standard modules like leads, contact, organization, opportunities, etc. You can store records and all your business data in different modules for more organized and systematic management. Moreover, to store extra information and records, Vtiger allows you to create your custom modules. To create custom modules, you can take help from VtigerDEV.
  5. Notification and alerts: The notification in Vtiger is one of the best features as it helps in keeping the users updated on important upcoming activities. This helps in performing the tasks on time.
  6. Workflows: Vtiger workflows are created so that you can perform basic operations automatically. Workflows are set to trigger based on a condition. This improves the working efficiency of Vtiger.
  7. Setting area: The UI of the setting area in Vtiger is also very intuitive making it easier and convenient for the users to configure the basic settings. From the setting area, you can set modules layout, configure user information, use the extensions, view and configure the integrations, create workflows, web forms, and much more.
  8. Reports: Vtiger report is another useful feature. These reports are created to get all the insights on the latest advancements and ongoing operations in a company. These reports help in analyzing the company’s growth and making better decisions in the future.
  9. Views: There are 3 main views in Vtiger. Views refer to the display of records.
  • List View: When you enter a module. A screen will be displayed showing all the related records from that module. From here you can manage your records, search for specific records, create records, etc. 
  • Detail View: All the information related to the record is displayed and presented on the detail view. From here you can edit the record, assign it to users, add notes, and perform other actions.
  • Summary view: On clicking a specific record. The view displayed on your screen is the detail View. It represents the record’s key information. You can find the most important and relevant fields in the summary view. This helps in making decisions faster.

Thus, Vtiger is a software made to boost your business productivity taking it to new heights. 

Why should you invest in enhancing Vtiger's Layout

As a business owner, it's your responsibility to provide a suitable working environment to your employees where they can perform well. This not only boosts the workflow but also helps to increase the sales of your organization and thus raise the annual revenue. Although, vtiger in its default version has a simplistic and basic layout. With the help of advanced vtiger extensions and third-party integrations, businesses can enhance the layout and interface of the software. Extensions like conditional layout, control layout and file, improved timeline, updated email view etc, make the software modern and intuitive. Investing in Vtiger's interface can help you upgrade your CRM experience and streamline processes.

vtiger advance gantt extension

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

Vtiger is a highly customizable CRM solution. It is primarily built for small to medium sized businesses to help them manage their customer relations, track their deals, run campaigns and perform everyday tasks more effectively. The ability to tailor Vtiger is the main reason for its popularity. Even the layout of Vtiger can be customized to meet your interest.

Teams like VTDEV are working day in and out to develop useful extensions that will enhance your workflow and help you manage your data more efficiently. If you are looking for a team of expert Vtiger developers to help you customize your CRM. Feel free to consult us at VTDEV.

Visit our blogs page to read other helpful articles about vtiger CRM and its effective features.