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Benefits of Integrating Vtiger with Asterisk

There are multiple Benefits of Integrating Vtiger with Asterisk.

Read the article to maximize your efforts and take full advantage of Asterisk software.

Integrating Vtiger with an asterisk

In business management, you may need to place calls and meetings with your customers and clients. Asterisk is a popular softphone software used to manage and make calls via your computer. It is a virtual telephony system making it easier for business administrators to make calls and schedule meetings. Vtiger is an cloud based PHP based customer relationship management software tool. By integrating asterisk with Vtiger you can manage your calls efficiently within the Vtiger software. This integration lets you answer important calls and displays a popup on your screen even when you are in a meeting, from this popup you can decline or accept the call.

By integrating Vtiger with the asterisk software you can boost your call management and build strong relations with your clients. With advanced features and extended functionalities, the two software can make a huge difference in your business management capabilities.

How Integrating Vtiger with Asterisk help your business.

Lets’s discuss some of the most useful features and functionalities of asterisk software when integrated with Vtiger.

  • Vtiger displays the caller details whenever you receive a call.
  • Vtiger maintains a call record for all of your previous calls letting you access your history of calls.
  • You can extract information that you may need in future from the recordings that are automatically saved in Vtiger.
  • It saves time by making and managing your calls directly from CRM software, eradicating the need to switch between software.
  • While on the call, you can search for related files and documents to discuss with your clients.


For asterisk integration with Vtiger, you need to check for some important prerequisites for your system.

  • Asterisk version 1.8.* or 7.x
  • Oracle Java 1.8
  • Vtiger CRM version 6.5
  • Vtiger Details
  • Vtiger Server URL
  • Vtiger Secret Key – Copy this detail from Vtiger CRM Settings → Integration → PBX Manager page.
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Get your Vtiger Integrations by VTDEV

Integrating powerful software with your Vtiger CRM can help you enhance the workflow and benefits your business in various ways.  If you want to integrate your Vtiger with any software or need help in customizing Vtiger to make it a software of your own. Feel free to contact VTDEV because this is where technology meets creativity. We will analyze your requirements and suggest the best customizations and extensions for your business.

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