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Customizing Vtiger's Login Page

Vtiger Gives the power of Customizing Vtiger's Login Page to its users. Make sure to read this article and know everything you can possibly customize.


How does it feels to have a software which you can call your own? Custom its its layout add additional features integrate useful softwares and much more. Exactly like that is the Vtiger CRM software. If you are thinking to customize the login page of Vtiger.

Vtiger’s Login Page Customization

Vtiger is a powerful source of Management for businesses of all kinds. Weather you are running a small business, a medium or large one. Making strong relations with your customers is always the first priority. With Vtiger you can not only build strong relations with your customers but also collaborate with your team in delivery suitable services, run successful campaigns and track deals. Moreover, the customization Feature of Vtiger enables you to tailor Vtiger as per your business needs, like changing the layout, adding custom buttons, creating modules, customizing login page and much more.

A login page is the first thing that you would see when you open Vtiger on your web browser. By default, Vtiger’s login page has a section for username and password with Vtiger’s logo and adds related to Vtiger. This page is the most basic thing you might think of. But you can customize the login page and make it look like your company’s own personal page .To simplify your login page customization VtigerDEV has developed an easyly configurable and handy extension. If you want to tailor the login page get our extension explain your requirements and leave the rest to us.

Here's what you can customize on Vtiger's Login page

With Vtiger’s customization feature you can tailor the login page of Vtiger to make it your personal page. Just like every business is unique, so are their requirements and interest. Every business looks for a custom software suitable for their business operations. Vtiger being a highly customizable CRM solution, is a choice of quite a lot business.

There are several things that you can change on Vtiger’s login page to make it your own and improve the interface and layout of Vtiger.

  1. Change the logo.
  2. Remove Ads.
  3. Change language.
  4. Change the background.
  5. Change the layout and theme.
  6. Additional settings.

Changing the logo on Vtiger’s login page

Logo is the identity of any business. The logo describes your business. Having your logo on the Vtiger login page and even on the favicon improves the layout making the user feel better and enhancing their experience.

Removing Ads


Ads on the Vtiger screen display What’s new and the Latest news regarding Vtiger. Ads are a reason for poor User Interface and layout. Eliminating the ads on Vtiger’s login screen is the best feature in Vtiger’s login page customization.It not just improves the layout and thus enhance the user’s working experience but also ensures the security of user’s important data and information. These ads are a threat to your system security. Here’s how. So these ads come directly from the Vtiger servers. If your server gets hacked. The hackers can easily get access to your username and password and corrupt your important data and files. Thus it is important to remove these ads from the security perspective.

Changing the Language


The language you speak is represents your brand. You can change Vtiger’s login page language into your national and professional language for a better experience and improved workflow.

Customizing the background


Backgrounds can also be changed for Vtiger’s login page. You can set a background of your choice by making a few changes in Vtiger’s code files. It helps in improving the format and has a better working experience.

Changing layout and theme


The layout of Vtiger is a way to keep your users attracted.On the Vtiger login page, you can also set your brand’s specific color and font family. Each business has its own color and font family specified. Using your color palette and styling the login page according to your interest is a useful feature

Additional settings


Other than the above-mentioned customizations. You can make different changes to your login page and make it your personalized login page Adding additional images, text, banners, etc, or performing client-side validations by using javascript functions or even setting and designing error messages that will be displayed in case of wrong login information. 

Customized login page extension

The login page is the first screen anyone will see when they land in your CRM. Customizing the login page of Vtiger can create a positive impact on the users. This is why you should customize the software. 

Following are the features of our customized login page extension for Vtiger CRM:`

  • Intuitive Layout.
  • Easy to install and configure.
  • Advanced functionalities.
  • Included in the extension pack.

Overall, our customized login page extension for Vtiger CRM can be the most satisfying and effective vtiger plugin for your CRM making It better than others. Additionally, other vtiger extensions like control layout and field, conditional layout, custom buttons etc can also improve the interface of Vtiger.

vtiger login page extension

Choosing VTDEV for your Vtiger jobs

To customize your Vtiger's login page, VTDEV has designed a full-fledge vtiger extension named as Vtiger Customized login page. You can simply get this extension and configure it directly into your CRM. We have delivered this extension to many of our clients are received 5 star reviews from them

Vtiger has become the most popular open-source CRM due to its advanced features and powerful functionalities. The power to modify Vtiger’s login page and make it your starting screen is beyond expectations. Moreover, you can easily find a reliable service provider for Vtiger if you want to customize Vtiger, add custom modules, integrate other software, and much more.